When we represent a large number, sometimes we can write it out by place value - for example 500 + 20 + 5 = 525 and this is known as __________.
What is expanded form?
The sun is this type of star.
What is a yellow dwarf?
Terry Fox was born in this country.
What is Canada?
When two numbers are the same in different multiplication sets, we call them by this term.
What are common multiples?
This is our recess zone that we have to play in.
What is Zone 8?
When we compare two numbers, the pac man/alligator face should always be eating this number.
What is the greater/larger number?
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and super speedy. Its year is only this many days long.
What is 88 days?
Terry Fox had a goal to run across Canada because we wanted to raise money for this area of research.
What is cancer research?
+3 and -3 are known as this type of integer.
What are opposite integers?
When coming back in from recess, what should you do before touching anything?
What is wash or sanitize your hands?
This colossal number is shown in standard form as this: 1 000 000
What is one million?
Venus' atmosphere is mostly made out of this unbreathable gas.
What is carbon dioxide?
Sadly, Terry Fox had to stop running outside of this Ontario city.
What is Thunder Bay?
If a number can only be multiplied by 1 and itself, we call it this term.
What is a prime number?
This is the slithery name Mrs. O'Reilly has called our handwashing pattern.
What is the handwashing snake?
Whole numbers can be positive or negative and we call them by this word.
What are integers?
The sun is such a super star! 8 of these things orbit around it.
What are planets?
Terry Fox's running was named this inspiring title.
What is the Marathon of Hope?
A number that has many numbers that can multiply to create it is known as this kind of number.
What is a composite number?
Every morning, you have to show this paper to a teacher before entering the school.
What is the covid screening sheet?
We can represent integers with counters or this very straight numerical diagram with zero in the middle of it.
What is a number line?
Mercury is sad, cratered, and grey because it does not have this surrounding it.
What is an atmosphere?
Before stopping his marathon, Terry Fox was able to raise this much money towards cancer research.
What is $24 million?
This number is neither a prime number nor a composite number.
What is the number 1?
Without a doubt, this is the coolest class of kids ever.
What is Room 221?!?!?!?