He was one of the '5 good emperors' and he added Dacia to the Roman Empire. He has a famous column in Rome depicting his victories.
The Emperor Trajan
This Germanic tribe occupied and gave their name to what is now France in the 5th and 6th centuries.
The Franks
The code of behaviour a knight must follow. The rules include protecting the weak, and helping ladies.
Who was head of the church in the West?
The Pope
He became Emperor in 306. He made a new capital at Byzantium, and called it Constantinople. He became Christian and, by the end of his long reign, Christianity had become the religion of 90% of the Roman Empire.
The Emperor Constantine
These people crossed the Danube in the 6th century and forged a mighty empire that was finally destroyed by the Byzantines in the 11th century. They still live in a country not far away.
The Bulgars
A knight who follows a lord is that lord's ..............
What do we call the area controlled by a bishop?
A bishopric or diocese
Together with his wife Theodora, he was the greatest of the Byzantine emperors. He took back North Africa and Italy for the Empire. He built the Hagia Sophia.
The Emperor Justinian
This desert people united under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. They then burst forth, conquering the entire Persian Empire, most of the Byzantine Empire, and Visigothic Spain.
The Arabs
A knight who wishes to follow a lord must kneel, put his hands between the lord's hands, and swear faith. This is called an act of ...............
What do we call the people who live in a community together and live a life of prayer and worship?
He started as Octavian, Julius Caesar's nephew, and he avenged his uncle's murder. He became the first Emperor of Rome, ruled for 40 years, and died in 14 AD.
The Emperor Augustus
The Vikings
A lord may grant a knight lands of his own. Lands that you hold for a lord are called a ..............
What do we call female monks?
He was crowned 'Emperor' by Pope Leo III in 800 AD. His empire covered most of western and central Europe, but split into 3 parts not many years after his death.
The Emperor Charlemagne
These people came out of Asia in the 11th century and destroyed the Byzantine army at Manzikert in 1071. They then overran the province of Anatolia and are still there today.
The Turks
A knight who is skilled with a lance may win prizes if he competes in a ....................
What do we call the 10% income tax paid by everyone to the church?
the tithe