Air & Aerodynamics
Sky Science
Evidence & Investigation
Trees & Forests

What is a property of air:

a) it takes up space

b) it can be compressed

c) it has mass

d) all of the above

d) all of the above


What is one design change that can improve the effectiveness of a model parachute?

a) bigger surface area of canopy

b) hole in canopy

c) both a and b

c) both a and b


What emits light in our Solar System? (2 things)

the sun and stars

What unique characteristics at a scene can allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and the nature of the activity?

fingerprints  tire tracks

footprints  animal tracks




Why are trees and forests valued?

serve as habitat for various living things

provide raw materials





Bernoulli's principle:

Lower pressure/high speed

Higher pressure/low speed

True or False



How does a hot air balloon work?

a) hot air expands and is less dense

b) hot air expands and is more dense

a) hot air expands and is less dense


Earth ____ on its axis and ____ around the sun.

a) rotates, revolves

b) rotates, spins

c) revolves, rotates

a) rotates, revolves


Handwriting should be studied to notice:

a) the pen that they used

b) the slant and shape of the letters

c) how tired they were when they were writing

b) the slant and shape of the letters


Describe the role of trees in nutrient cycles.

a) absorb oxygen and release oxygen

b) photosynthesis (absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen)

c) food for squirrels

b) photosynthesis (absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen)


What are opposite forces of light?

a) lift and gravity

b) thrust and lift

c) drag and gravity

a) lift and gravity 


Ailerons do what:

a) control roll (bank) when one moves up and one moves down

b) control roll (bank) when they both move up

c) control pitch (nose going up and down)

a) control roll (bank) when one moves up and one moves down


Name the 8 phases of the moon. Double points if you sing.

New moon, Waxing crescent, First quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent.


When we were testing markers for ink, the controlled variable was the:

a) amount of water

b) type of marker

c) coffee filter

d) a and c

d) a and c


Identify characteristics that distinguish deciduous trees from coniferous trees.

leaves seeds flowers shed leaves

cones seeds don't shed


Identify one adaptation that enables birds or insects to fly.

a) hollow bones

b) streamlined feathers

c) tail feathers for control

d) all of the above

d) all of the above


Elevators control ______ and rudders control ____

a) yaw, pitch

b) roll, pitch

c) pitch, yaw

c) pitch, yaw


Spring and Fall have Equinoxes (equal hours of day and night)

Summer and Winter have Solstices (long and short days and nights)

True or False


The first day of Summer is the longest day of year

The first day of Winter is the shortest day of the year


Name three types of fingerprints.

Arch, whorl, loop



a) water evaporates through leaves like sweating

b) water evaporates from the ground

c) releases energy

a) water evaporates through leaves like sweating


What gas is needed to burn fuel?

a) carbon dioxide

b) helium

c) oxygen

c) oxygen


Bird wings are shaped like plane wings in that they both have

a) ailerons

b) feathers

c) airfoils

c) airfoils


Each turn of the earth, if it makes 4 turns, takes:

a) 5 hours

b) 8 hours

c) 6 hours 

c) 6 hours if there are 4 turns because 4 times 6 = 24 hours for one whole turn


When we were testing markers for ink, the manipulated variable was the:

a) amount of water

b) type of marker

c) coffee filter

b) type of marker


What human actions can enhance or threaten the existence of forests?

reforestation efforts (don't cut down too many and plant new ones)

deforestation and habitat destruction (cutting down too many)