An insulator is an object that does not allow electricity to travel through it.
What is a proton?
A proton is a positively charged part of an atom.
How is hydro electric power produced?
The gravitational energy power of water is used to turn the wheels of a turbine that is connected to a generator that transforms the kinetic energy of from the turbine in electrical energy.
Name three ways to generate renewable electrical energy.
solar power, wind power, water power
What type of circuit is arranged in
electrical energy is tranformed into light energy so that you can see the picture, sound energy so that you can hear the program and heat
What is a conductor?
A conductor is an object that allows electricity to pass through it.
What is an electron?
An electron is a negatively charged part of an atom.
How is nuclear energy produced?
Uranium atoms are split in a reactor and this creates a tremendous amount of heat that is used to boil water in large tanks. The steam created from the boiling water rises and turns turbines to generate electricity.
Name two problems associated with using wind turbines to generate electricity.
The wind turbines take up a lot of space, they are expensive, they are not pretty to look at, birds get caught and killed in them
What is the job of a car battery?
the battery stores power and provides the spark that is used to ignite the gas in the engine
Why is it important that wires in your wall are covered in plastic?
The plastic is an insulator that prevents you from making direct contact with the electricity in the wire.
If an atom has the same number of electrons and protons, what type of electrical charge does it have?
a neutral charge
How are fossil fules like natural gas, oil and coal used to generate electricity?
The fossils fuels are burned to heat water which boils and creates steam. The steam rises and turns turbines which generate electricity.
What is the main problem with using solar power to generate electricity?
The sun does not shine all day and thus, power must be stored in batteries when the sun is not shining. Also, solar panels are expensive.
Describe the route electricity travels from Niagara Falls to your house.
Water turns the turbine at the power plant creating electricity. Then the electricity travels through high power transmission lines to a small power station, goes through a transformer and then trvales through power lines to your house.
Name three objects that conduct electricity.
penny, quater, wire, popcan, spoon, fork, knife
When objects have different charges, do they attract or repel each other?
Objects with opposite charges attract one another and objects with the same charge repel each other.
Describe two poroblems with burning fossil fuels to generate electricity.
air pollution, acid rain, carbon dioxide from the burning process contributes to the greenhouse effect
How could hydrogen be used as a fuel?
Hydrogen is found in water and when you run electricity through water the hydrogen separates from the oxgen atoms. When the hyrodgen is burned is creates heat which is used to boil water and make steam that turns a turbine.
Why does a light go one when you flip a light switch to the on position?
When the switch is in the on position, there is no gap in the circuit so that the electricity can travel in a complete circuit. When the switch is in the off position, there is a gap in the circuit that prevents the electricity from travelling in a complete circuit.
Name three insulators.
wood, rubber, most plastics,
Why does your hair stand on end when you rub a ballon it it?
The atoms in your have lost electrons to the ballon through the rubbing and now your strands of hair have positive charges so they repel each other.
How is oil made? Is it a renewable energy source for producing electricity? Explain.
Dead plants and animals in the oceans fell to the bottom of the ocean and were then compressed for millions of years and turned into oil. Oil is a not a renewable enery soure because it would take too long for more to be made naturally.
Give two reasos wy hydrogren power would be a great source of energy in the future.
We have an unlimited supply of it andit is a clean fuel that does not hurt the environment.