Text Structures
Using Context Clues
Word Study
Reference Materials

"The backyard was beautiful! The bright green grass was so soft it felt like a giant cushion under my feet. There was a flower garden with vibrant red roses and yellow daffodils."-What type of text structure is this?


This is the point in the story where it is the most exciting. The protagonist faces the conflict head-on. This also might include a big fight!



Hurricane Katrina caused a great CATACLYSM, everything was messed up. Using context clues, what does CATACLYSM mean?



What is the prefix in the word "telephone"?



In order to find the part of speech of the word "happiness", you need to look in a _____

a dictionary


"No one knows the true beginning of ice-cream, but the first published ice-cream recipe appears in "Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts," a cookbook that was printed in London in 1718. Sometime around 1832, an African American confectioner named Augustus Jackson created multiple ice cream recipes and invented a better way to manufacture ice cream.  Ice cream soda was invented around 1874, but the real breakthrough may have been at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, when the American ice-cream cone was first served!"- What text structure is this?



What do we learn in the exposition of the story?

The setting and who our protagonist and antagonist are.


Although she was SKEPTICAL about our plan at first, she finally believed that it would be a good idea. 

Using context clues, what does the word SKEPTICAL mean?

don't believe/doubtful


Think about the word "retry". How does the prefix change the meaning of the word?

It changes it from "try" to "try again".


I am trying to find the cities in Italy. I want to see how far apart they are from one another, and which waterways are near them. I can find this information in a 



"Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and flavors.  Two of my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate.  Though both of these flavors are delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of fruit while chocolate usually will not. They both contain sugar and cream, but they are different colors."- What text structure is this?

Compare and Contrast


This is when all loose ends have been tied up and all problems are solved. This is the "happily ever after" moment.



The factory supervisor demanded an INSPECTION, of all of the meats processed each day. 

Using context clues, what does inspection mean?

a careful and critical examination/to look at something


What is a synonym of the word "frigid"?



I am looking for the city with the highest rainfall last year. I can find this information in an...



"Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks.  These ice crystals on the ice cream can ruin the texture and flavor of the ice cream.  But you can prevent freezer burn.  Do not refreeze melted ice cream. Scoop your ice-cream into a bowl and put the container back in the fridge immediately.  Doing this should help to solve your issues with freezer burn."- What text structure is this?

Problem and Solution


This is when things start getting exciting. The protagonist is working towards solving the conflict, but they aren't quite there yet.

Rising action


Olivia stared at the newest style of jeans in the catalog. She just had to have them. Her birthday money was not quite enough to cover the expense. Although she didn't want to GROVEL, she decided to plead with her parents for the money to buy them. 

Using context clues, what does the word GROVEL mean?

plead; beg


What is an antonym of the word "trudge"?

run/walk quickly


I am trying to find information about Alaska, apples, anteaters, and John Adams. I can find all of this information (and more) in an...



"Have you ever had an ice-cream headache or brain freeze?  That's when your head hurts after eating something cold (usually ice-cream) on a hot day.  This pain is produced by the nerve center in the roof of your mouth.  The nerve center is overreacting to the cold by trying to heat your brain.  Ouch!"- What text structure is this?

Cause and Effect


This is after the climax. Problems start to get solved, loose ends get tied up, etc.

Falling action


For the project, the teacher said the design was UNALTERABLE, but the color could be changed. 

Using context clues, what does the word UNALTERABLE mean?

unchangeable/not able to be changed


What does the prefix "anti-" mean?



All four choices below are dictionary definitions for "second". Which one best fits the context for the following sentence?

Ricky was second in line.

Second (adj) 1. Next in order, after first 2. Resembling the original 3. 1/60 of a minute 4. A moment or instance

Number 1