Good Emotional Health
Mental & Emotional Health
Zombie Prevention
Bullying / Nutrition
It is a normal part of our everyday life. This type of stress positively affects us and keeps us going. It is motivating and increases our activity and productivity.
What is positive stress ?
People who have this are in control of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They have good relationships and they feel good about themselves. They are able to keep problems in perspective.
What is good emotional health?
How are you _______? When you know how you are ______, its easier to get on with your day. Be specific about how you are______, using only one or two words. Saying ''lousy'' or ''down'' is too vague.
What is feeling ?
You need a lot of this as an adolescent to function at your best.
What is sleep?
you are being bullied tell _______
What is tell an adult
This type of stress affects our mind and our body by increasing tension. It makes it hard to think clearly and calmly. It removes motivation and has serious effects on our health.
What is negative/distress ?
Learn to express your _______ in an appropriate way.
What is feelings?
Emotional problems can be treated with __________
What is talking to a counselor or psychologist, joining a support group and sometimes taking medicine.
Not getting enough sleep is called __________ __________.
What is sleep deprivation ?
You see someone being bullied in the hallway
What is don't just stand there tell someone.
These are some ways to relieve stress.
What is exercise, stretching controlled breathing, meditation, yoga humour (funny movies, jokes, pranks, ...) stress relief games,stress relief balls good nutrition ?
Think before you ______.
What is act.
Healthy ways to deal with anger are :
What is punch a pillow, take a walk, run, exercise, talk, draw, write?
he average teenager needs how much sleep per night?
What is 8 to 10?
cyber, physical, emotional
What are ways people bully?
Mentally and emotionally healthy people do these things to deal with stress:
What is A sense of contentment or satisfaction ? What is zest for life ? (enjoyment for living are able to laugh and have fun.) What is the ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity (difficulty)? What is A sense of meaning and purpose in activities and relationships? What is being flexible, learning new things and adapting to change? What is A balance between work and play ? What is being able to build and keep good relationships? What is Self-confidence and good self-esteem (self-respect)?
Strive for _______ in your life. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in your life.
What is balance
I can do this to avoid problems?
What is being aware of your emotions and reactions ? To managing your emotional health better, learn to identify and work on any reasons for sadness, frustration and anger in your life.
Not getting enough sleep can :
Makes it harder to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. Make you forget important information like names, numbers, your homework or a date with a special person in your life Make acne and other skin problems worse.
Doing this every morning can help you get higher marks and concentrate better.
What eating a healthy breakfast ?
These are physical symptoms of stress
What is increased heart beat? red face? headache? stomach ache? What are cold sweaty hands, What is increased blood pressure?
Take care of your _________ health. Your _______ health affects your emotional health. Take care of your body by exercising regularly, eating healthy meals and getting lots of sleep. Don't abuse drugs or alcohol.
What is physical
Stress affects our body chemistry and emotions in these ways:
What are stress hormones? These hormones help you respond in extreme situations like when you are in danger. When your body makes too many of these hormones for too long a period of time, the hormones wear your body and your emotions down. People under stress a lot are often emotional, anxious, irritable and even depressed.
Sleeping in really late (like till 11 or noon) on the weekend makes up for not sleeping enough during the week. True or False?
What is False ? Doing this upsets your sleep cycle rhythms and can make it even harder to get up during the week.
You need 5-10 servings of these every day to grow strong and stay healthy.
What are fruits and vegetables ?