This is where the Bible readings for the Mass and the homily take place.
What is the Ambo?
This is the third Commandment.
What is: Keep holy the Lord's day..
This is when the bread and wine actually through a miracle become the body and blood of Jesus. This happens are every Mass.
What is transubstantiation?
Baptism removes this sin that we are all born with.
What is Original Sin"?
These are LETTERS from St. Paul, St. James and others to those in the early church, which give us hope and divine instruction. The word itself means "letters."
What are the Epistles?
This is the Greek word for Messiah.
What is: Christ?
He is the head Archangel who leads God's army. His statue is in St. Agnes and he is the patron saint of the military.
Who is: the Archangel Michael?
This is the 4th Commandment.
What is you shall honor your father and mother?
This is the Holy Day in December when we celebrate the fact that Mary was conceived without sin. (Double Jeopardy)
What is the Immaculate Conception?
These 2 Sacraments deal with vocations or choosing your life's path. They are called Sacraments of Community.
What are Holy Orders and Marriage?
This agreement God made with the Israelites in the Old Testament. Jesus is the new agreement.
What is covenant?
This is what Emmanuel means.
(Double Jeopardy.)
What is: God is with us?
These 3 Corporal Acts of Mercy show how we are to take care of the personal needs of others.
What are: (Any of the following:) Feed the hungry, Clothe the Naked, Give drink to the thirsty, Shelter the Homeless.
This is the 7th Commandment.
What is: You shall not steal?
These are false teachings of the Church.
(Double Jeopardy)
What are heresies or what is heresy?
These are the 7 Sacraments.
What are: Baptism, Communion, Penance, Healing of the Sick, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Marriage
These are the 4 gospel writers. (Double Jeopardy)
Who are: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
This is where Joseph takes his family when warned by an angel.
What is: Egypt?
He was Jesus' close friend who died and who Jesus raised from the dead.
Who is: Lazarus?
These are the 9th and 10th Commandments.
What are: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife and you shall not covet your neighbor's goods?
This is what we call it when we say that Jesus is both God and man at the same time.
What is consubstantial?
These are the 2 Sacraments of Healing.
What are: Penance and Anointing of the Sick?
These people foretold the coming of Jesus.
Who are the prophets?
This king told the 3 Kings to tell him where Jesus was, but they did not return to him.
Who was King Herod?
These 2 Spiritual Acts of Mercy deal with our anger towards others. (Double Jeopardy)
What are: Bear wrongs patiently and Forgive all injuries?
These are the 5th and 6th Commandments.
What are: You shall not kill and You shall not commit adultery?
This is the name of our primary church which is located at the residence of the pope in Rome.
What is: St. Peter's Church?
These are the 3 Sacraments of Initiation.
What are: Baptism, Communion/Eucharist and Confirmation?
Jesus grew up in this town after Joseph brought him and Mary back from Egypt and He called Himself, "Jesus of..."
What is: Nazareth?
This is the name of the event where Herod killed the male born babies as he tried to kill Jesus.
What is: Massacre of the Innocents?
What is: The container or vessel that holds the Body of Christ during Eucharistic Adoration?