Jesus was pleased with the widow’s offering to the Temple because she ___ .
gave all the money she had
When Jesus said, “Do not let your left hand know what your right is doing” (Matthew 6:3), he meant that we should ____
give alms in secret
Jesus said that people who give money in the synagogues simply to are hypocrites.
be praised by others
By the virtue of _ , we desire and expect from God everlasting life and the grace to achieve it.
It has been God’s plan from the beginning for us to live in _____ .
harmony and partnership with others
What virtue enables us to love God with all our hearts and reach out to those who are suffering?
As disciples of Christ, we are called to ___ others.
Saint Francis knew what he should do with his life when he ____
met a leper on the road
When Saint Francis began to visit hospitals and give money and clothes to the poor, what did his father do?
beat him and took him to the bishop
Saint Francis prayed to God that he would be __
an instrument of God’s peace
A _ is an ability to make morally good decisions that lead to the habit of doing good.
God created all human beings in his ___
The act of giving time, money, or goods to people in need is called ___
The _____ of temperance, justice, fortitude, and prudence are habits of avoiding sin, doing good, and living a holy life
Moral Virtues
Through the virtue of __, we believe in everything God has revealed and accept all that the Church teaches.
God created us to live in ___ with others.
Practicing almsgiving is a work of ___ that pleases God.
The greatest virtue we can practice is ___ , or love.
In the Scriptures, Jesus taught us not to be attached to __ .
material possessions
The _______ of faith, hope, and charity help us become more holy.
Theological Virtues
Describe some ways that Catholics are called to live lives of service.
Catholics can serve others by using all the special gifts God has given them. These gifts include their talents, abilities, personality traits, time, and possessions. Catholics can also serve others through almsgiving, sharing their material possessions, and performing works of charity.
What are two ways you can serve others in your family, neighborhood, school, or parish?
Accept two reasonable responses for the second part, such as babysitting for younger siblings, raking leaves or shoveling snow for an elderly neighbor, joining the school choir, and becoming an altar server.