A Few, A Little, Many, Much
Some, Any, No, Every

I have __ friends in my class, but not too many.

Answer: "a few"
Explanation: "A few" is used with countable nouns (like "friends"). It means "some, but not many."


"I need __ help with my homework."

Explanation: "Some" is used in positive sentences when we want to refer to an unspecified amount of something.


What has to be broken before you can use it?

Answer: An egg


There isn’t __ sugar left in the jar. We need to buy more!

Explanation: "Much" is used with uncountable nouns (like "sugar") in negative sentences or questions.


"There aren’t __ cookies left in the jar."

Explanation: "Any" is used in negative sentences and questions with countable and uncountable nouns.


I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Answer: A candle


Which of the following is correct?
A) There is many water in the glass.
B) I don’t have much patience today.

Answer: "B) I don’t have much patience today"
Explanation: "Many" is only used with countable nouns, but "water" is uncountable. "Much" is correct with "patience" because it is also uncountable.


Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
A) I have no money left.
B) Do you have no questions?

Answer:"B) Do you have no questions?"
Explanation: Double negatives are not correct in standard English. The correct sentence would be "Do you have any questions?"


What is full of holes but still holds water?

Answer: A sponge


Which sentence is incorrect?
A) We have a few ideas for the project.
B) I have a little pencils in my bag.

Answer: "B) I have a little pencils in my bag"
Explanation: "Pencils" are countable, so you should say "a few pencils," not "a little pencils" (which is used for uncountable nouns).


Which of these is NOT a quantifier?
A) Every
B) Any
C) Run

Answer:"C) Run"
Explanation: "Every" and "Any" are quantifiers because they describe an amount, but "Run" is a verb, not a quantifier.


A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why?

Answer: He was bald.


Choose the correct sentence:
A) There is few information about the event.
B) There is little information about the event.

Answer:"B) There is little information about the event"
Explanation: "Information" is uncountable, so we use "little" instead of "few." "Few" is for countable nouns like "people" or "books."


"Everyone brought __ snacks to the party!"

Answer: "some"
Explanation: "Some" is correct because "everyone" refers to all people, but the amount of snacks varies (some could bring more, some less).


What month of the year has 28 days?

Answer: All of them