Equivalent Fractions
Rates & Unit Rates
Unit Rates with Fractions

Simplify this Fraction: 


What is 4/7 


In geometry class, the girl to boy ratio is 9 to 4. If there are 45 girls, how many boys are there?

What is 20 boys  


Find the unit rates for the following problems: 

27 calls in 9 hours 

What is 3 calls per 1 hour 


Find the unit rates: 

4 miles/ 1/4 hour= x miles / 1 hour

What is 16 miles 


Simplify this Fraction: 


What is 2/3


The ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in a chess club is 3 to 2. There are 14 boys in the chess club, What is the number of girls in the chess club? 

What is 21 girls. 


21 yards of yarn costs $42. What is the price per yard?

What is $2 per yard


Find the unit rate: 

1/4 feet / 5/6 minutes = x feet / 1 minute 

What is 6/20 or 3/10 feet 


Solve for x:

5/8= x/64

What is 40


For every 3 chocolate chip cookies that Angel bakes, he bakes 2 oatmeal raisin cookies. Is he bakes 80 oatmeal raisin cookies, how many chocolate chip cookies did he bake? 

What is 120 chocolate chip cookies 


Spenser bought 5 chocolate bars for $3.70. What is the unit price for 1 chocolate bar?

What is $0.74 per 1 chocolate bar 


Set up rates then solve: 

It takes Daniel 2 1/2 hours to mow 3/4 of his lawn. How long does it take him to mow his entire lawn? 

What is 20/6 or 10/3 or 3 1/3 hours. 


Solve for x: 

16/24= x/27

What is 18 


The ratio of cats to dogs that are in the shelter is 5 to 3. If there are 48 total animals, how many more are cats

What is 12 more cats than dogs 


You took a trip to the mountains and traveled 486 miles. It took you 9 hours to get there. What is your miles per hour? 

What is 54 miles per hour 


Josh can walk 4/5 of a mile in 1/6 of an hour. He lives 1 mile away from school. How long will it take him to get to school?

What is 5/24 of an hour 


3/ 1/4= x/1

What is 12 


For every 4 books that Kenisha reads, she reads 3 magazines. If she read 21 magazines, how many total publications did she read?

What is 49 


You took a trip to the mountains and traveled 486 miles. It took you 18 gallons of gas to get there. How many miles per gallon would it go?

What is 27 miles per gallon


A bus traveled 2/7 of the distance between two cities in 5/6 of an hour. At this rate, how long will it take them reach their destination? 

What is 35/12 or 2 11/12 hours