Mixed Bag
Mixed Bag 2
Nonfiction Structures
Persuasive Techniques (how an author gets you to think the way he wants)
Mixed Bag 3
This word is what we call the person who tells the story. 

What is the narrator?


This type of essay reflects on a personal experience, like sharing thoughts and feelings on that experience but in essay form.

What is a reflective essay?


This type of structure develops the point the writer is making by talking about the reasons why a certain effect results.

What is cause and effect?


When an author uses evidence like reasons to appeal to your sense of logic, s/he is using this persuasive technique.

What is an appeal to reason?


This Latin root means alone, like in the word solitary.

What is  - sol- ?


This word means the same as nonfiction and informational.

What is "expository?"


This example of nonfiction is printed and sold monthly or weekly, for example, and all the articles in it have something to do with one topic it's famous for.

What is a magazine?


This type of nonfiction structure explains the sequence of steps about a topic or the order in which things happened.

What is chronological?


When an author uses supports like facts and correct descriptions, he is using this persuasive technique to make you believe what he is saying.

What is an appeal to authority?


This kind of verb might as well be an equal sign, an examples of it are "seems" and "is." 

What is a linking verb?


This is the meaning of the suffix -ness.

What is the quality or condition of a thing, like happiness or thoughtfulness. 


This kind of conjunction joins a thought that cannot stand by itself to one that can stand by itself. Examples of this kind of conjunction are "because," "unless," and "whenever."

What is a subordinating conjunction? 


This type of nonfiction structure looks at the similarities and differences of a topic.

What is compare and contrast?


When an author supports his claims with opinions and words that cause you to feel anger, happiness, etc., this persuasive technique is called what?

What is an appeal to emotions?


The word "watering" in the verb phrase "is watering" is an example of this. 

What is the present participle?


This Latin root means fair and right, or having to do with the law.

What is -just- ?


This subordinating conjunction would join the following ideas together very well:

The maple tree conserves (saves) its resources all winter. 

The leaves on a maple tree fall off in the fall. 

The subordinating conjunction "because" would work best here because the sentences have a cause and effect relationship. 


This type of nonfiction structure is developed by describing what's wrong and then giving the steps of how it should be solved.

What is problem and solution?


This rhetorical device uses word choice (since words carry meanings besides their literal meaning) to create an attitude in the reader toward a topic.

What is tone?


Verbs that just add -ed to form their past tense and past participle are NOT this kind of verb.

What is an irregular verb?

Irregular verbs are like 

eat, ate, had eaten

go, went, had gone


This Latin root means something to do with the law.

What is -leg- ?


The person telling the story of their own life uses the word "I" to narrate the events, and this belongs to which example of nonfiction?



This question isn't a nonfiction structures question, but so what. 

This verb tense shows action that will already be completed in THE FUTURE, like

"I will have erased 100 sentences before I need a new eraser." 


(This is not the same as the past perfect tense that we learned.)

Here's another example:

I will have driven 500 miles before my car needs new tires. 

This question isn't about persuasive techniques, but so what. 

On the Naiku test, they will ask you which group of words are joined by a coordinating conjunction instead of asking you to identify the complete thoughts that the coordinating conjunction joins. 

Example on the test: 

They give you a sentence like "The boy hit Melody, so his mom punished him." Then they will ask you which "group of words" does the coordinating conjunction join?

The answer is

"The boy hit Melody"  and "his mom punished him"

but Naiku writes the answer choices like this:

the boy hit Melody; his mom punished him 

(silly Naiku!)


In this sentence the words "has begun" are an example of what tense that shows action that has been completed in the present moment? 

The theater performance has begun already. 

What is the present perfect tense? 

(This is different than the present progressive, which means the action is still going on...like, is beginning.)