Interactions and Ecosystems
Plants for Food and Fibre
Heat and Temperature
Structures and Forces
Planet Earth

The study of relationships between living things and their environment. 

What is Ecology. 


Plants have been used to provide humans with a variety of resources. What are three ways in which humans have used plants over the years. 

Possible answers: 

1) Plants for clothing

2) Plants for food/shelter

3) Plants for fuel/transportation

4) Plants for medicine

The particle model of matter is a scientific description of many different features of tiny particles. State the 4 ideas.

What is:

1) All substances are made of tiny particles too small to be seen. 

2) All particles are always in motion. 

3) The particles have spaces between them.

4) The motion of particles increases when temperature increases. 

There are natural and manufactured structures. Name the three types of structures.

What is:

1) mass structure

2) frame structure

3) Shell structure


The ways in which we can identify a mineral. 

What is:

1) color

2) Lustre

3) Streak

4) Cleavage/Fracture


Occurs when two species live closely together in a relationship that lasts over time. Name the three types. 


1) Mutualism

2) Commensalism

3) Parasitism 


The tendency of particles in a gas or a liquid to become evenly distributed my moving from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. 

What is diffusion. 

A device commonly found in furnaces and thermostats. 
What is a thermocouple.
Weight and mass are two different things. What are the units for each and what measuring device do we use for each.
What is:

1) weight-measured in newtons-scale

2) mass-measured in g/kg-balance

Scientists classify rocks into three main categories. They are?

What is:

1) Igneous rock

2) Sedimentary rock

3) Metamorphic rock


The different kinds of monitoring practices to check the health of an ecosystem. There are 4. 

What are:

1) Physical 

2) Environmental

3) Chemical

4) Biological


Two ways in which plants produce. Describe each one. 

What is sexual and asexual. 

Sexual reproduction is when a plant uses seeds and fruits of specialised cells from two different plants. 

Asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction) occurs when a 'parent plant grows new plants from its stem, roots or leaves. 


An increase in temperature causes water particles to move faster. Some of those particles near the surface of the water gain enough energy to escape into the air, thereby cooling the substance.

What is evaporative cooling.


Internal forces are exerted from a structure within. Name the 4 types and explain each.

What is: 

1) Tension

2) Shear

3) Compression

4) Torsion


Name the different types of weathering and give an example for each.

What is...

1) Mechanical weathering

2) Chemical weathering

3) Biological weathering


The roles an organism plays in the environment. List all five of them. 

What is an organism's niche. 

1) Producers

2) Consumers

3) Herbivore

4) Omnivore

5) Carnivore


During the day, the plant uses carbon dioxide and water. When there is no light, the plant releases carbon dioxide and takes in oxygen.

What is respiration.

Energy can be transferred through different mediums. There are 3 types. 
What is:

1) Conduction

2) Convection

3) Radiation


Name at least 3 types of rigid joints and give an example for each.

1) Ties

2) Fasteners

3) Adhesives

4) Interlocking shapes

5) Melting


The Earth is separated into different layers. Name the layers in order from top to bottom. 

What is..

1) Crust

2) Upper mantle

3) Lower mantle

4) Outer core

5) Inner core


This cycle involves four main processes. The first two processes called _________ and _________ move water up from Earth to the atmosphere. 

The last two processes called ___________ and _____________ return water to earth. 

What is evaporation and transpiration. 

What is condensation and precipitation.


Most flowers have male and female parts that are needed for reproduction. Name the female and male parts. 

What is:

male: stamen

female: pistil


There are 6 changes of state. Come up to the board and draw the 6 changes. 

What is:

1) condensation (gas-liquid)

2) evaporation (liquid-gas)

3) fusion (solid-liquid)

4) solidification (liquid-solid)

5/6) sublimation (gas-solid)

Creating a stable foundation requires what 3 strategies?
What is:

1) Find something solid

2) Make a solid layer

3) Spread the load

Name the three types of fault movements along a fault line. Explain what force each is under. 
What is..

1) Normal fault (tension)

2) Reverse fault (compression)

3) Strike-slip/Transform fault (shear)