In Paul's Letter to the Romans (8:14-17, 26-27) he reminds the Christians in Rome that
they have become children of God
The virtues help us
make good decisions
Faith is the ability to
believe in God
The Cardinal Virtues are prudence, justice, temperance, and
The gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us seek and be open to advice is
Charity leads us to love ____ above all things
We acquire the Cardinal Virtues by __ effort
Temperance helps us ___ our desires
We strengthen the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in __
When Moses removed his sandals while speaking to God, he displayed the gift of __
fear of the Lord
gives us the confidence that God will always be with us
All our moral strengths depend on them
Cardinal Virtues
helps you decide what is good and choose to do it
enables us to stand up for our beliefs
helps you to be respectful toward others
Why did St. Paul write that love or charity is the greatest virtue?
Love or charity brings all the virtues together in perfect harmony.
Why are the theological virtues names as such?
How does justice lead us to respect the rights of others?
When displaying justice we consider the needs of others and always try to be fair.
How can wisdom help us see the value of being confirmed?
Wisdom helps us to see from God's point of view and recognize the value of people, events, and things.
What can piety do for us?
Piety helps us strengthen our relationship with God and increase our love for others.