Different kinds of spiritual gifts come from one Spirit T/F.
The New Testament letters describe the qualities that could only be seen in followers of Abraham T/F.
Our relationship with God cannot be improved by communication T/F.
There are eight Fruits of the Holy Spirit T/F.
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are the results of his presence in a person who believes T/F.
The fruit of love is also known as what?
To what is the fruit of faithfulness closely related?
To what is the fruit of joy closely related?
To what is the fruit of modesty closely related?
To what is the fruit of peace closely related?
Patience is love that is willing to (avoid/ endure) life's difficulties.
You can (discipline/ignore) your physical and emotional desires by exhibiting self-control.
Chastity is being faithful to one's sexuality in (conduct/cause) and intention.
Generosity is a (right /willingness) to give even at a cost for yourself.
A gentle person has the ability to (forgive/calculate) rather than to get angry.
What do the holy people highlighted in this chapter teach us about growing closer to God?
We grow closer to God by loving and serving others.
Why is the time after Confirmation especially important?
We can give witness to the Spirit in our lives. We can participate in the Eucharist, pray, perform Works of Mercy, and live a courageous Christian life.
What do the letters in the New Testament describe about followers of Jesus?
The qualities they possess
How does prayer help us grow spiritually?
Nurtures our relationship with God through communication
What are the Fruits of the Holy Spirit?
The 12 results of the Spirit's presence and gifts in a believing person; the result of cooperating with God's grace