Just ELA Things
Poetic Devices
Directives & Instructions
Literary Terms
MCAS Mish-Mash

The author's attitude or feelings about what they have written.

What is the tone?


Comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as".

What is a simile?


Providing a brief, general statement of the main points of something.

What is to summarize?


This is the problems the main characters face in a story.

What is conflict?


The bolded and italicized text above the title of a passage that needs to be read first provides you with this.

What is background information?


The overall atmosphere of a piece of literature, creating by the setting, characters, and their actions.

What is mood?


Using the same consonant sound at the beginning of each syllable. 

What is alliteration?


The act of taking a quote or repeating exact words from a book, essay, short story, or poem.

2 acceptable answers:

What is to cite / citation?

What is give evidence?


This refers to writing devices used to emphasize and clarify ideas.

3 Acceptable answers:

What are literary devices? 

What is figurative language? 

What are poetic devices?


This is the amount of sleep you should get the night before.

What is 8-9 hours?


The focus of the essay/writing piece. The message that is given to the reader that provides a life-lesson.

Three acceptable responses:

What is theme? 

What is central message? 

What is the main idea?


An exaggeration that stretches the truth.

What is hyperbole?


The part of an essay where the author offers 1-2 sentences of information. This is including a transition into the quotation, such as "the author states,"...

What is a lead-in? What is "background info"?


This means “type” of writing.

What is genre?


If you are given 1 text to write about, you should provide this many paragraphs in your essay. You should also include this many pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer. 

What is three?


This interrupts the chronological order of the main narrative to take a reader back in time to past events.

What is a flashback?


Syllables, words, or phrases that repeat.

What is repetition?


To discuss both similarities and differences of two pieces of writing. 

What is compare and contrast?


A phrase or expression that typically presents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase. 

What is an idiom?


If you are given 2 texts to write about, you should plan to write _____ paragraphs, using ______ direct quotes/evidence from the texts. 

What is 4 paragraphs and 4 quotes?


The part of the story where the greatest action or suspense occurs.

What is the climax?


Words that sound like the objects they name, or the sounds that they make.

What is onomatopoeia?


Used when students are asked to pull supporting evidence/details from the text using direct quotes. Used to break down the passages and explain them in terms of their relevance to the main idea.

What is to analyze? (What is analysis?)


The time and place of the action in a literary work is known as this.

What is the setting?


This is the amount of characters you have to write your essays on the test.

What is 5,000?