What was the last thing God did on Day 7 of Creation?
b) He rested (Correct)
Where was Jesus born?
d) Bethlehem (Correct)
What is the meaning of "strange gods" in the 1st Commandment?
b) Fame, money, or hobbies put before God (Correct)
What is a mortal sin?
a) A sin that is serious, done with full knowledge, and deliberate consent
What was the significance of Jesus' resurrection?
Answer: It signifies his victory over sin and death, offering hope for eternal life.
What did God command Adam to avoid in the Garden of Eden?
d) The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Correct)
Why was Jesus born in a stable?
b) There was no room at the inn (Correct)
Why are Sundays considered special according to the 3rd Commandment?
a) They are a day for worship, rest, and focusing on God (Correct)
How does venial sin affect our relationship with God?
b) It weakens our relationship but doesn’t break it (Correct)
What event took place 50 days after Jesus' resurrection, and what happened during it?
Answer: Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, empowering them to speak in various languages, marking the birth of the Christian Church.
How was Eve created?
c) From Adam’s rib (Correct)
What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?
b) Gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Correct)
Which of the following actions violates the 5th Commandment?
c) Bullying someone at school or online (Correct)
Which action helps restore our relationship with God after committing a mortal sin?
c) Going to confession and seeking reconciliation (Correct)
What was the significance of God changing Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah?
Answer: The name change was a sign of the covenant. "Abraham" means "father of many," while "Sarah" means "princess," reflecting their roles in fulfilling God’s promise.
Why did God send the flood during Noah’s time?
b) Because of the wickedness of humanity (Correct)
What sign appeared when Jesus was baptized?
A dove descended
A voice from heaven spoke
The sky opened
What does the 8th Commandment teach us about truthfulness?
a) Always tell the truth, even if it is difficult (Correct)
What is an example of "grave matter" in mortal sin?
b) Deliberately and knowingly committing murder (Correct)
What was the purpose of the 10 plagues sent upon Egypt?
Answer: To convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites, demonstrate God’s power, and challenge the Egyptian gods.
What did Moses receive from God on Mount Sinai?
c) The 10 Commandments (Correct)
What was Jesus’ response when he was crucified and mocked?
b) He prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him (Correct)
A person is jealous of a friend’s new car and starts to resent them for it. Which commandment is being broken?
c) 10th Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods (Correct)
Why is it important to understand the difference between mortal and venial sins?
c) It guides moral decision-making by showing the severity of our actions (Correct)
Describe what "grave matter" means in mortal sin and give an example.
Answer: Grave matter refers to serious sins (e.g., murder) that are deliberate and committed with full knowledge.