A Whole New World
I Like Gold
Praise Jeebus and Allah!
No Doubt a-Boat it!
Sailing...it Takes Me Away

Europeans believed that a sea route in this direction was a solution to their trade problems and would give them control over their supply of goods.

What is the East?


Gold and silver were used during Renaissance times to make these items used in business transactions.

What are coins?


Europeans thought they were following Jesus' wishes by introducing this to new lands. 

What is Christianity?


By borrowing the idea of using multiple masts from Arab vessels, the Portuguese developed a new type of ship called this.

What is a caravel?


To aid the exploration of the world's oceans during the Renaissance, ships relied upon these to keep them on course.

What are navigational instruments?


While books by travellers like Marco Polo were extremely popular during the Renaissance, they were also full of this.

What is misinformation?


In the 1300's, this Muslim ruler of the powerful and wealthy empire of Mali in Northwest Africa, led a caravan to distribute gold to the poor.

Who is Mansa Moussa?


Prince Henry of Portugal saw members of this practicing religion as a problem or enemy.

Who are Muslims?


The Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria were ships used by this Spanish explorer.

Who is Columbus?


This instrument of navigation was probably developed in China about 1700 years ago and is used to find the direction a ship is traveling. 

What is a compass?


The geographer and astronomer Ptolemy, penned this manuscript around the year 150 which was rediscovered during the Renaissance.

What is Geographia?


During the Renaissance, countries of this continent were running out of gold and silver in their mines, causing them to seek resources elsewhere.

What is Europe?


Prince Henry was a fervent believer in the existence of this mythical person who was rumoured to rule a fabulously wealthy kingdom situated somewhere beyond Muslim lands.

Who is Prester John?

The first Portuguese expedition around the Cape of Good Hope was led by this man, who unfortunately was prevented from continuing on to India due to the mutiny of his crew.

Who is Bartolomeu Dias?


This navigational instrument used the North Star or Sun to calculate the latitude. 

What is an astrolabe?


While Columbus decided a shorter trade route was West across the Atlantic Ocean, he traveled around this geographical area numerous times searching for gold and spices, to no avail. 

What is the Caribbean?


Italian merchants used gold and silver coins to purchase these goods brought by Arab merchants from India and the Far East.

What are spices?


During their exploration of what is now Canada, explorers were often accompanied by groups of these religious individuals. 

Who are Missionaries?


Five years after Columbus' voyage, a Portuguese expedition led by this man made it around Africa and across the Indian Ocean to the city of Calicut.

Who is Vasco da Gama?


Pictured here with my friend, Gary, this navigational instrument was used to measure the altitude of the Pole Star above the horizon to determine latitude.

What is a Cross-staff?


After the failure of his friend, Columbus, this Spanish explorer continued to seek a western sea route to Asia although didn't make it due to being killed after getting involved in a local war. 

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


Now called Istanbul, this city was a popular Mediterranean trading centre during the Renaissance when it was called this.

What is Constantinople?


In the agreement between Columbus and Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain called "The Articles of Agreement between the Lords the Catholic Sovereigns and Cristobal Colon", the Queen and King declared sovereignty and power over these.

What are the oceans?


During a decisive sea battle off the Indian port of Diu, the Portuguese won the battle and established military control over this part of the world due to their ships being equipped with these.

What are cannons?


This navigational instrument was used during Renaissance times to measure the altitude of the Sun to determine latitude.

What is a Back-staff?