Mixed Bag
Mixed Bag 2
Types of Nonfiction Structures
Types of Support
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots of Words

This is what a narrative essay will tell. (Narrative essay means an essay that tells about something important in your life, but it's in essay format.)

It tells about a series of REAL events in a logical order. 


This thing is the time and the place where a story happens. 

What is the setting? 


This type of structure develops the point the writer is making by talking about the reasons why a certain effect results.

What is cause and effect? 


This type of evidence appeals to (attracts you to using your skill of reasoning). 



Words that end with -ly are usually this part of speech.

What is an adverb?


This kind of nonfiction text tells about a person's life, but it is not written by the person it talks about. 

What is a biography?


This is the word we use to describe what the narrator knows about the characters and the action in the story. 

What is point of view. 


This type of nonfiction structure explains the sequence of steps about a topic or the order in which things happened.

What is chronological?


This type of support makes an appeal to your respect of facts that would come from an authority on the topic you are writing about, like using evidence from a doctor to support a claim about a good diet. 

What is an appeal to authority? 


This Greek root in words means "name," like in synonym, antonym, homonym. 

What is "nym?"


The author's word choice that creates an attitude toward a topic is called this. 

What is tone? 


This word means "what the author wants you to understand about the topic of his writing."

What is theme?


This type of nonfiction structure looks at the similarities and differences of a topic.

What is compare and contrast?


Using opinions instead of facts results in which rhetorical technique (way) of persuading (getting people to do what you want)?

What is an appeal to emotions?


This Latin root in words means "to go," like in advance and invade. 

What is "vad?"


This word means the author's judgment or main point based on the facts he knows (and it's a word used to ask a question about the main idea on your Unit 2 Naiku instead of them just saying what's the main idea).

What is perspective?

In this sentence the words "had run" are an example of what tense:

"I had already run away by the time the dog jumped the fence."

What is past perfect tense?


This type of nonfiction structure is developed by describing what's wrong and then giving the steps of how it should be solved.

What is problem and solution?


Statements that make general, broad claims based on types of supports like facts and examples (like, "All hands on phone calls are as risky as taking calls in a hands-free way.) are called this.  

What is a generalization? 


This Latin root "tract," like in the words attract and distract, means this.

What is "to pull?" as in attract, to pull toward you and distract, to pull away from your attention.


In this sentence the words "is going" are an example of what verb tense that shows an action is still going on at the present moment? 

Dan is drawing a cartoon.

What is present progressive tense? 


In this sentence the words "has wanted" are an example of what tense that shows action that has beeb completed in the present moment? 

Max has wanted to be a leader for years.

What is present perfect tense? 


This question doesn't belong in this column, but whatever. 

What two verb tenses are included in this statement: 

Last month the students studied folklore, and next month the students will study research writing.

What is the simple past and the future tenses.


In nonfiction writing, types of support that only appeal to the emotions or use false claims are called this. 

What is bias? (Instead we use good reasons, descriptions, anecdotes (story examples), and facts.