What is the way combine these two sentences without using a conjunction? Ms. Adams ran out the door. She was going to be late for work.
What is a semicolon after "door" and lowercase s
What is the way combine these two sentences using a subordinating conjunction? Ms. Adams ran out the door. She was going to be late for work.
What is because
Which form of the verb should be used to complete the blank? (post) Delaney texts her friends, sends them funny memes, and _____ silly comments on her blog.
What is posts?
Taking risks is a good idea: it allows you to achieve greatness try new things and learn something about yourself.
Where is after greatness and things?
What is the shortest way to combine these sentences without losing meaning? I filled 15 big bags with leaves. I was really tired after all that work.
What is After filling 15 big bags of leaves, I was really tired.?
What would be a good topic sentence for this paragraph? Jaguars must hunt for their food. Their bodies are designed to quickly and quietly sneak up on their prey. They are black or spotted in color, so they can blend in with the background. They are fantastic hunters.
What is Jaguars are fantastic hunters?
(or other synonyms for fantastic)