Subject-Verb Agreement
Direct and Indirect Quotations
Research Questions
My mom and her friends want to take me to Busch Gardens Wild Water Rapids and Williamsburg all in one day.
Where is after Gardens and Rapids?

What is the shortest correct way to combine these sentences without losing the meaning? Jim plays the guitar. He plays in a band called The Kingsmen.

What is Jim plays guitar for The Kingsmen?

Which form of the verb should be used to complete the blank? (wish) I waited for hours hoping, _____, wondering if you would come back.
What is wishing?
How should this sentence be punctuated? Dale yelled Get out!
What is comma after yelled and quotation marks before get and after the exclamation point?

Which would be the best place to find information about Lions? Google, an encyclopedia, watching "The Lion King," or an atlas.

What is an encyclopedia?

After I run to the store I'm going to start making dinner for Delaney.
Where is after store?
What is the shortest way to combine these sentences without losing meaning? On the way out the door, Kim stopped. She stared at the note on the fridge. It said "Don't go!"
What is Kim stopped and stared at a note on the fridge on her way out the door which said, "Don't go!"?

Which form of the verb should be used to complete the blank? (go) Malcolm wanted to go to the dance because Marla is _______ to be there.

What is was going?

Is this a direct or indirect quotation? Linda was thinking should I ask Darryl out to the dance?
What is indirect?

What key words would best help John find information about offering healthy lunches at schools versus unhealthy lunches? A. lunches, healthy, offer B. lunches, school, healthy C. lunches, unhealthy, offer

What is B?

On every sunny morning I practice yoga in my backyard.
Where is after morning?
What is the shortest way to combine these sentences without losing meaning? Leonard slept curled up in a ball. He had eaten all of his seeds. Leonard was a rat.
What is Leonard, the rat, slept curled up in a ball after eating all of his seeds.?

Which form of the verb should be used to complete the blank? (post) Delaney texts her friends, sends them funny memes, and _____ silly comments on her blog.

What is posts?

Should you use quotation marks in this sentence? If yes, where? Carla wondered if she should answer the question.
What is no?

Tom was assigned to write a paper about jungle cats in their natural habitats. What would be the best website to use? A. B. C.

What is C?

Marty my next door neighbor and best friend loves to play practical jokes on me.
Where is after Marty and friend?
What is the shortest way to combine these sentences without losing meaning? Candy watched Leonard curiously. She was perched on the back of the chair. Candy was a cat.
What is Candy, the cat, watched Leonard curiously from her perch on the back of the chair.?
Identify the verb that is used incorrectly in the sentence and fix it. The house next door is haunted; at night I can heard chains rattling and moaning.
What is heard; it should be hear?

Punctuate this sentence correctly. I wish I had a brain said the Cowardly Lion.

What is quotation marks before I and after brain with a comma inside the quotation marks?


Which is the best thesis statement? A. Wild cats are at the top of the food chain, but can they survive humans taking their habitats? B. Jungle cats, like jaguars, need help from humans to protect their habitats and their lives. C. Wild cats live all over the world, even in jungles.

What is B?


Taking risks is a good idea; it is important to strive for greatness try new  things and learn something about yourself.

Where is after greatness and things?

What is the shortest way to combine these sentences without losing meaning? I filed 15 big bags with leaves. I was really tired after all that work.
What is After filling 15 big bags of leaves, I was really tired.?
Identify the verb that is used incorrectly in the sentence and fix it. In the morning, before the bus comes, I stretch, ran five miles, shower, and eat breakfast.
What is ran; it should be run?

One doesn't use quotation marks and one does.

What is direct and indirect quotations?


What would be a good topic sentence for this paragraph? Jaguars must hunt for their food. Their bodies are designed to quickly and quietly sneak up on their prey. They are black or spotted in color, so they can blend in with the background. They are fantastic hunters.

What is Jaguars are predators?