EFL Revision
ESL Revision
Teacher Trivia

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

Maybe (likely) she used to resist, but now she sees the futility in trying to stop it.

Adapted from “Unlikeable”

pointlessness, uselessness


For ESL iGCSE, how many seperate exams are there?

Three- Speaking / R&W / Listening 


Which Region of Kyrgyzstan is Mr Saparbek from?



Think of your Paper 2. What would the sentence below be a strong example of?

In the kitchen the breakfast stove gave a hissing sigh and ejected from its warm interior eight pieces of perfectly browned toast, eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen slices of bacon, two coffees, and two cool glasses of milk.

Descriptive writing


What is the word count for the summary in the exam?

100 words 


Mr Saparbek very kindly replaced an English teacher who unfortunately had to leave- where was this teacher from?

Hungary / Australia 


List THREE benefits of watching TedTalks.

How to organise a speech; how to deliver a speech/ speaking techniques; identifying rhetorical techniques; vocabulary building; learning about a new topic


Which type of writing involves you describing real events that happened and maybe suggesting ways for those events to be improved in the future?

Report writing 


What is Mr Henry's favourite word?

Trauma / Promiso / Cringe 


Paraphrase the sentences below:

Dogs can provide great assistance to both children and elderly people in their daily activities. Since most dogs are active pets, they can also prove to be the perfect buddies during exercise.

Dogs can offer help to the elderly and children in their daily life. Dogs can also make great exercise partners, as they are energetic pets.


How many types of reading have we covered and what are they?

Three - Skimming / scanning / reading for detail


What is Ms Tanya's advice regarding reading and writing?

"Nothing improves reading and writing like reading and writing."


The evening’s downpour still hadn’t ended, and by the time Viktor picked me up, the streets were abandoned except for a few lonesome figures tucked under awnings and into doorways. 

From “Under Glass”

What is the mood in this sentence?

What words or phrases create this mood?

Mood: gloomy, depressing, lonely

Evidence: downpour, (streets) abandoned, few lonesome figures


What percentage of students achieve an A* in ESL iGCSE?

a. 4.5

b. 6.5

c. 15.5

a. 4.5


In how many countries have your three English teachers combined worked (including their home countries)?

a. 8

b. 11

c. 14 

c. 14