Where can you buy bread and cakes?
Where can you buy medicine?
I have ______ finished my homework. It only took 10 minutes!
I am a unit used to measure small amounts of liquid, often found on a bottle label. What am I?
Write the symbol.
What shop sells books?
Where do people buy meat?
Have you eaten dinner ______, or are you still hungry?
I am a currency used in the United Kingdom, made up of two parts. What am I?
Pounds and Pence
Write the symbol.
Which place sells sweets and chocolates?
sweet shop
Which shop sells shoes?
Shoe Shop
I have ______ seen this movie twice. I don’t want to watch it again.
You measure food in these two units, with one being smaller and the other used for larger quantities. What are they?
Grams and kilograms
Write the symbol.
Where can you buy newspapers and magazines?
If you need clothes, where can you go? Give two possible answers.
Clothes shop or Department store
(Use "yet") I have not completed my project.
I haven’t completed my project yet.
If you are traveling in Europe, you will likely use this currency to buy things. What is it?
Euros and cents
Write the symbol.
What is the difference between a supermarket and a department store?
A supermarket sells food and household items, while a department store sells a variety of products like clothes, electronics, and furniture in different sections.
Compare a market and a department store. Which one do you prefer and why?
A market is usually outdoors with small stalls selling fresh food and other items at lower prices. A department store is a large indoor shop with many sections selling different products. Preference depends on whether someone likes convenience and variety (department store) or fresh and affordable goods (market).
(Use "already") He watched the new episode of the show.
He has already watched the new episode of the show.
These three units help you measure distance, from short to long. What are they?
Centimetres, metres, and kilometres
Write the symbol.