Earth's Phenomena
Solar System
Name the different phases of the Moon, starting from the new moon
New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First quarter, Waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, 3rd quarter, waning crescent
Name the four gas giants.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is the relationship between the Big Dipper and the Polaris?
Big Dipper has two pointer stars that make a straight line towards Polaris

From the movie Armageddon 1 nuclear bomb can split apart the asteroid, is this true?

NO!  It would take thousands!

What is the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun?
Explain why we have different seasons
Earth's rotation is on a tilt, meaning that in the summer, Northern hemisphere is closer to the Sun and in the winter, it is farther away.

Name the terrestrial planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

In the final stages of a star's life , what are the three things it can become?
neutron star, white dwarf, black hole
There is very little gravity on an asteroid, would there be winds on it?

NO!  The gases would eject straight up!

What is the difference between revolution and rotation?
Revolution - an object orbiting another along a path Rotation - an object spinning around an axis that goes through itself
Explain the difference between a lunar and a solar eclipse
Lunar - the earth is between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to be in the Earth's shadow Solar - the moon is between the earth and the sun, causing the shadow of the moon to fall on the Earth
Even though Venus is further than Mercury from the Sun, why is it hotter?
Venus has an atmosphere, allowing it to trap heat.

Describe the Sun using the following words: sunspots, nuclear fusion, and solar winds (be sure to define those words too)

The Sun is a star made of gas. The Sun makes its energy through a process called nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. Darker spots that have a strong magnetic field on the surface of the Sun are called sunspots. These spots are cooler than the rest of the Sun. The Sun can emit streams of charged particles called solar winds, which hit the Earth and can cause damage to electrical power networks.

Is a shooting star a star? What is it?
What is the difference between a meteor, meteorite, and a meteroid?
meteor - meteoroid that burns up after colliding with Earth's atmosphere meteoroid - piece of rock moving through space meteorite - meteoroid large enough to pass through Earth and lands on ground without burning up.
Explain how tides on Earth are affected by the Moon.
The difference in the force of gravity on the sides of the Earth causes a tidal force.

What celestial mass exists between Earth and Mars

The Asteroid Belt


What is the main sequence?

The central band of stars in the H-R diagram that makes up 90% of the stars that we see on Earth

People say that you can see the whole moon from Earth. Is that true? Explain.
No. Dark side of the moon we never see because it is constantly rotating as it is revolving around the Earth

Is a light year the time it takes light to travel in a year or is it the distance light travels in a year?

It is the distance light travels in a year.

Why was recording the movement of stars in the night sky important to early sky watchers?
Allows them to predict weather patterns, location of herds, and use for navigation
Explain the difference between a comet and an asteroid
Comet - made of rocky material, ice & gas, originate from Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud Asteroid - small objects that range in size, asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter
Where are stars generally born?

In a solar Nebula which is a collection of dust and gas.

Some people think that all stars look the same because they're the same distance from the Earth. Is that true? Why or why not?
lightyears away - absolute magnitude vs apparent magnitude measurement.

How long does it take the light from the Sun to get to Earth?

8 minutes