Criterion B
Criterion Ciii
Criterion D

True or false- Ethics and morals are synonyms.



What is the name of the unit? 

Ethics and Human Interactions


What is the name of Criterion B? 

Research or investigating 


True or false- All outside evidence must be cited at all times, on every assignment. 



What does OPCVL stand for? 

Origin, purpose, content, values, limitations


What is a dilemma?

A dilemma is when someone faces a very difficult choice with no favorable outcomes.


What is our global context for this unit? 

Identities and relationships 


What is Criterion Bii? 

Formulating and effectively following an action plan.


What citation style do we use here at VIS? 

MLA 9 


Which strand requires students to "complete a detailed discussion involving issues, concepts, or models"?



A decision involving a choice between what is right and wrong, between good and evil 

Moral decisions


What are the three concepts of this unit? 

Systems, power, ethics


After you write your research question, what else must you do to complete strand Bi?

Write a rationale justifying the relevance of your research question. Consider the following guidelines:

  • According to the IB, ‘justify’ means to provide valid evidence or reasons to support an answer. 

  • Define the term ‘valid’. 

  • Define the term ‘relevant’. 

  • Choose TWO of the following prompts:

    • Why did you choose your topic? Why is it interesting? 

    • How is your RQ connected to SDG 16- Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions? 

    • How is your RQ connected to the unit concepts or SOI? Hint: Consider your conceptual development from the unit. See the top of the task sheet. 

  • Maximum 150 words. Write your paragraph below. 


Create an in-text citation using Mr. Maguire as a source.

"The students will start the summative in September."

"The students will start the summative in September" (Maguire).


True or false- When evaluating sources, we should make assumptions and use language such as "the source is reliable".

False- use phrases such as "the source could be" or "the source may potentially be". Historians refrain from making assumptions when doing OPCVLs.


Instances of people communicating or forming a relationship (positive or negative) with each other 

Human interactions


Explain why one of the case studies was a breach of ethics. 

Answers may vary. Response should explain how the transatlantic slave trade, stolen generation, or Holocaust were caused by systems abusing their power unethically for their own gain. 


What is strand Biv? 

Evaluating on the process and results of the investigation by reflecting on ATL skills (strengths, challenges, and ways to improve). 


Put the following in the correct order for a full citation:

Famous Book

Maguire, Maclyn


Vientiane International School

Maguire, Maclyn. Famous Book, Vientiane International School, 2024. 


State what strand Dii requires students to do. 

synthesize information to make well-supported and valid arguments


The idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people



What made the transatlantic slave trade a "system"? 

The triangular network was a system of traders and government between Europe, Africa, and America. 


How do you earn top marks for strand Biii? 

Students need to record relevant, varied, and appropriate information in response to the research (or guiding) questions. This includes a range of source material and types. 


Explain, thoroughly, an implication for a perspective on the Israel Hamas War. 

The perspective of the Israeli people focuses on the hostages remaining in Gaza. As fellow innocent citizens, the general Israeli community has been protesting in Tel Aviv, calling for the system (government) to prioritize securing the release of all hostages (instead of military or political objectives). To these protesters, they ethically feel as if the hostages are the most important point about the war- not eliminating Hamas, and not the Palestinian people. An implication of this is that Netanyahu and his war cabinet may increasingly feel the pressure and lose even more popularity, which may result in a new election or even the resignation.