The same number of days a student was absent
What is the make-up work policy?
*One Relevant Applicant
*One Summative Assessment
*One Checking for Understanding
*Each Grading Period
What is number of assignments allowed to be re-done each grading period?
An “X” in the gradebook
What is an indication that student does not need to make up the work?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
What are days Opportunity Lab is open?
*Typing in all caps
*Texting parents from your personal phone
*Forgetting to respond to parent emails in a timely fashion
*Sending daily parent email updates
What are mistakes when communicating with parents?
5 points each day for a maximum of 20 points
What is the late work policy?
A Google form located on the staff hub to notify administration you need help with a student.
What is the struggling student form?
*Giving double or triple grades
*Giving an “NG” or an “I” as an assignment grade
What is against Smith’s grading policy?
*Pink Folder
*Signed White Note
What are items that should be turned to Opportunity Lab proctor?
*5 days after students have completed an assignment
What is the number of days a teacher has to enter grades in Home Access Center?
Changing a “Z” to 0 indicates this to a student
What is method for informing students work is no longer being accepted?
Student who receives an average of 69 or lower in a K level class for MP1
What is possible level drop with DI approval?
Direct a student to home access center
What are ways for students to check their grades?
*Retest per campus Policy
*Extended time for accommodations & missed assessments
*Make up missed assessments
What are purposes of Opportunity Lab?
Students that earn a 74 or lower in a K-level course at the end of the first semester.
What is when a student is dropped from a K-level course?
When a grade is recorded with a .1 at the end
What is the way to let parents or students know work was turned in late?
*Providing hard copies of notes
*Trying out oral administration of an assessment
*Extending time on an assignment
What are Tier 1 strategies/interventions/ accommodations?
*Click 'Load from Gradebook'
*Enter or Mass Update Conduct
*Add comment codes (if desired)
What are steps teachers take when grade are due?
*Google sheet completed fully by 2:40 pm
*White form completed and placed in Pink folder
What are steps to sign up for Opportunity Lab?
A parent requests to meet with all of their child’s teachers
When is a time to reach out to your grade level counselor?
A “Z” recorded in the gradebook.
What is our policy for letting parents/students know an assignment has not been received & is still eligible to be turned in?
Class average on an assignment/assessment is below a 70%
What is stop & complete a whole class re-teach/re-do?
*Categories that don’t add up to 100%
*Weight of more than 1
*Duplicating grade book categories
What are common mistakes during gradebook set up?
*Sending student to Opportunity lab without signing them up on the Google sheet
*Signing a student up on the Google sheet after 2:40 pm on day assigned
*Not providing an Opportunity Lab folder to the proctor
*Forgetting to publish/enable/unsubmit assignments in Schoology
*Forgetting to write accommodations on the yellow/white Opportunity lab form
What are common Opportunity Lab mistakes?
*When a student is failing at progress reports
*When a student’s performance drastically declines
*When you are having repeated behavior challenges with a student
When are times you should call home?