This form of entertainment - well-loved by many old and young - is not a favourite for Grace
What is watching movies
Ethan’s favourite game
What is League of Legends
The other member(s) of Vanessa's family besides her parents
What is one brother
She has this many horses in her collection
What is 13.
He will be studying this program at this university
What is Computer Science at Waterloo University
Grace’s favourite soup
What is miso soup
This is the kind of pet Ethan has
What is a beagle
This is the high school she attended
What is A.Y. Jackson
Jacqueline used to do these types of dance (name 2)
What is ballet and hip-hop.
A Chinese celebrity people have said he looks like
Who is Jackie Chan
Grace has an extensive collection of this particular thing
What are memes*
*BONUS if you can guess how many she has in one folder on her laptop. (Closest answer gets 300 points.)
His favourite subject
What is Psychology
The month & year Vanessa moved to Canada to study
What is August 2018
Jaqueline’s birth date
What is March 11, 2002
His favourite kind of instant noodle
What is Indomie
Grace started, but never finished reading this beloved book series that were turned into movies
What is Harry Potter
This school will be Ethan’s new home for the next 4 years
What is McMaster
She is skilled at playing these instruments (name 2)
What is the piano and the flute
This is the school Jacqueline attended back in Taiwan
What is Morrison Christian Academy
This is the language Hank thinks in...
What is English
Grace describes her taste in music as all over the place, but she does not like this genre (name 2)
What is jazz and heavy meta
A popular hangout place for adults, teens and children alike, this is where Ethan works
What is Chatime
Vanessa's birth date
What is March 10, 2001
Her favourite composer
Who is Paganini
Hank’s favourite K-Drama
What is While You Were Sleeping