This is what you do when you are in a PIT incident
Stop your PIT and escalate to a member of leadership
how many stows do you get when there's a picker behind you?
no more than 3
This is when you have too many items physically in your cage than virtually
what is an Overage
This is the name of our site
how many OPs can be in an aisle at once?
no more than 3
What is fast start?
what is the fast start goal for stow/receive
the amount of time it takes to process an item after clocking in
receive goal is 8 min, stow is 13 min
This is when you have too many items virtually in your cage than physically
what is a Shortage
This is the year our site started
when in receive and get a problem solve item, I put in on the floor behind me until the problem solver gets to it
place the item into a problem solve cage
report a missing punch
This is what happens when you scan a Library Deep bin for an item that is categorized as Drawer
What is an asin categorization bin collision
Who is Andy Jassy
safety vest, safety shoes, impact gloves, hard hat (stow)
this is what you do when you hear a shelter in place alarm
go to the nearest shelter in place rally point, DO NOT exit the building
This is what happens when you attempt to stow an item into an overweight bin?
you get a weight limit bin collision
Who are the 4 BHD managers
CJ, Tiffany, Eric and Soloman
You are driving up to a stop sign, what should you do?
come to a complete stop, look both ways for pedestrians and honk your horn before proceeding
this is what you do when you hear the fire alarm
immediately leave the building using the closest exit and report to the rally point outside
this is what happens when you scan the incorrect barcode on the item you are trying to stow
what is a scan out of sequence
this is our mascott
Bruno the Bull