This animals meat is fine enough for a president
What is a pig
This Disney film is a classic. However the name of the main character's does not line up with history.
What is Hercules
How much were seven Us dollars worth in 1892?
What is seven Us dollars
Timmy eats a entire apple and gives it to his brother, Jimmy to eat the rest. How is this possible?
Quite easily, Jimmy just does not get to eat anything
This person is a hypocrite for shoving multiple cookies in there mouths in one night, while making all of his pets eat vegetables
What is Santa Cluas
True or false, if false why? A tiger is orange because it Mesmerizes there pray, giving it a second to catch it.
False, it is because there pray is color blinded
Timmy names his three children Winter, Spring, and Summer. What is his fourth daughters name?
What is Autumn
How many horses does it take to change a light bulb?
No amount could, they don't have thumbs
Who invented gravity?
Nobody invented gravity
This person sailed the seas and plundered ships. He is mostly known by his beard however. Which gave him a very noncreative name.
What is Black Beard
Which of these animals can be cannibals? Spider, Praying Mantis, Tiger, Bear
All of these animals can be cannibals.
They are all carnivores
When these become movies they are often about the main characters facing there fears of mushrooms.
Video Games
Wrong question. -9,999,999 points
Just kidding
Timmy is drifting through space, he are doing the super man fly pose while flying parallel of the North pole. Is he facing up, down left, esc.?
He is in space, he is not facing any direction.
This person is responsible for E=MC squared.
What is Albert Einstein
A octopus loses two limbs to a shark. Years later its telling its kids the story. How many tentacles does it have at the time its telling the story?
Zero, Octopuses have arms not tentacles
Timmy has to answer how he's feeling and what car he drives with one country's name. What could he say?
What is Madagascar
Timmy draws a ring like this: O. What amount of sides can you say it has without being able to argue be against?
2, inside and outside
Six year old Timmy was given 26$ from his parents to get bread. He walked for 3 minutes but didn't have enough money to buy it, so bought a 5 layer cake instead. He then walked walked 14 minutes to get back to his parents. What major mistake did his parents make?
They let there six year old go get bread unsupervised
This person was the first to go to space. Which is a bit odd when he comes from a long line of sheep herders
Alan Shepard
(You only need the last name)
This fungus algae hybrid was the first living thing to leave the water
What is lichen
Right is left and left is right. Up is down and down is up. What day is it?
What is January 25th
A is 3.9, and B is 7.32 and C is 5.6. Now A is 1.4, and C is 0.12 what do we know about B?
We don't know anything about B
Is me asking this question logical?
This Egyption stopped growing around the age of nineteen. Nobody knows what caused this, but scientist have a few hypotheses.
What is Tutankhamun