Stakeholders 1
Stakeholders 2
Six Concepts
Biz 1
Biz 2
An organizations best asset. They work for pay and opportunities for career progression.
What is an employee?
Provides businesses with stock or services
What is a supplier?
Reflecting the greater speed with which decisions need to be made and circumstances can vary in the operating environment of most businesses
What is Change?
Reflecting the importance of holistic long-term planning in an operating environment with the above attributes. A way to be successful in a given market.
What is strategy?
The business cycle stage where GDP begins to rise and investments as well as the unemployment rate starts to improve.
What is recovery?
Either a sole proprietor or partnership. Usually make major business decisions. In corporations, they may be called shareholders.
What is an owner?
They ultimately determine the success or failure of a business. Businesses cannot survive without them.
What are customers?
The appreciation of others way of life that businesses need to align a broad spectrum of individual, collective and societal goals
What is culture?
The stage of the business cycle where business confidence is high and people are making a lot of money.
What is Peak or Boom?
The "W" in SWOT analysis stands for this.
What is Weakness?
They oversee day to day operations.They may be in charge of a store or a large department in a business.
What is a manager?
Businesses that sell the same or similar product as you do in the same market.
What is a competitor or rival?
Ethics, emphasizing the fact that the ethical considerations businesses face are substantial and near all-pervasive, instead of being peripheral and isolatable
What is ethics?
The stage in the business cycle when a dip in economic activity occurs for two consecutive quarters and there is less investment.
What is a recession?
The " P" in PEST analysis stands for this.
What is Political?
Any individual or group of individuals who have a direct interest in a business because the actions of the business will affect them directly.
What is a stake holder?
A major influence on business behavior. They make laws concerning consumer and customer protection as well as taxes.
What is government?
Reflecting on the interconnected patterns of production and consumption shaped by businesses and affecting them throughout different markets around the world.
What is globalization?
The bottom stage of the economic cycle. Where unemployment is high and consumer spending is low.
What is a slump or trough?
The " T" in SWOT analysis stands for this.
What is Threat?
Individuals or groups that work within the business.
What is an internal stakeholder?
Those who spend money on purchasing stock in a company with the expectation of future earnings.
What is an investor?
Emphasizing the need for businesses to renew themselves in the competitive, technologically advanced market place with increasingly sophisticated products and new, fresh ideas.
What is innovation?
The Four stages of the Economic growth and decline are called this/
What is trade or business cycle?
The "S" in PEST analysis stands for this.
What is social?