The type of sentence is this?
We enjoy watching movies.
What is declarative sentence.
Simple subject in:
This story tells about Angela and Angelina.
What is story?
The complete subject in:
Ms. Morris, my favorite teacher, wrote a long descriptive poem.
What is Ms. Morris, my favorite teacher,
The simple predicate in:
The Jeopardy game starts soon.
What is starts?
The complete predicate in:
As the game began, the cheerleaders ran on to the court.
What is ran on to the court.
What type of sentence is this?
Playing soccer is so fun!
What is an exclamatory sentence?
The simple subject in:
Sally loves to read novels.
What is Sally?
The complete subject in:
The state of Virginia is located on the East coast of the United States.
What is The state of Virginia
The simple predicate in:
Philip and his friends listen to the latest pop music on the radio.
What is listen?
The complete predicate in:
All the students let out a roar as the game began.
What is "let out a roar as the game began"?
A declarative sentence gives a statement.
True or False
The simple subject in:
The weather this weekend was dreary.
What is weather?
The complete subject in:
The silky black cat sleeps quietly in the sun.
What is The silky black cat
The simple predicate in:
Lisa and Annie danced for their classmates.
What is danced?
The complete predicate in:
The 5th graders will sing a special song for the 6th graders.
What is will sing a special song for the 6th graders"?
Type of sentence:
What is your favorite color?
What is an interrogative sentence?
The simple subject in:
Angelina's friend is in the 5th grade.
What is friend?
The complete subject in:
Ian's essay about his nightmare was interesting.
What is Ian's essay about his nightmare?
The simple predicate in:
Vicky and Angelina seemed amused by their friends' dancing.
What is seemed?
The complete predicate in:
Ms. Sheets refereed the volleyball game last night.
What is refereed the volleyball game last night.
Everybody, watch out!
This is an exclamatory sentence.
True or False
The simple subject in:
The balloon soared over the fields and over the trees.
What is balloon?
The complete subject in:
The tail of a cat brushes against my legs.
What is The tail of a cat
The simple predicate in:
Stewart Middle School students are the smartest students in the world!
What is are?
The complete predicate in:
Emily could not stand to listen to the music on the radio.
What is could not stand to listen to the music on the radio.