Who? Do?
Put the sentence in order
Fix the paragraph

A big spider spun a web in the doorway.

Who is the subject of the sentence?

A big spider


ride my I bike. will new

I will ride my new bike. 


Fix the sentence: 

it would be cool to take a class trip to washington.

It would be cool to take a class trip to Washington. 


Writers use a BLANK at the end of a telling sentence. 



armadillos live in north america and south america they live in grasslands, rainforests, and semi-arid areas they are losing their homes due to loss of habitat and hunting what is their body like

Armadillos live in North America and South America. They live in grasslands, rainforests, and semi-arid areas. They are losing their homes due to loss of habitat and hunting. What is their body like?


The eye doctor checked my vision. 

What is the predicate of the sentence (do)?

Check my vision


It to is today. going rain

It is going to rain today. 


Fix the sentence: 

we just studied about the american revolution.

We just studied about the American Revolution. 


Writers use a BLANK when they are asking a question. 

Question mark

their body is all covered with bony plates they can weigh up to 120 pounds that is huge they can sleep from 16-18 hours a day in their burrows what do they eat everyday

Their body is all covered with bony plates. They can weigh up to 120 pounds. That is huge! They can sleep from 16-18 hours a day in their burrows. What do they eat everyday?


A buzzing bee looked for nectar in the flower. 

Who is the subject of the sentence?

A buzzing bee


I ran friend My and home. 

My friend and I ran home. 


Fix the capitalization: 

my parents are going to washington, d.c.

My parents are going to Washington, D.C.


Writers use an BLANK to show excitement or a lot of emotion. 

Exclamation point


armadillos eat insects, small mammals, baby birds, eggs, roots and fruits they have long tongues like anteaters and eat ants and termites do you know why we find them dead by the side of the road

Armadillos eat insects, small mammals, baby birds, eggs, roots and fruits. They have long tongues like anteaters and eat ants and termites. Do you know why we find them dead by the side of the road?


A gray dolphin jumped in the sea. 

What is the predicate of the sentence (do)? 

jumped in the sea


to little play. My likes dog

My little dog likes to play. 


Fix the sentence: 

george washington was in charge of the continental army.

George Washington was in charge of the Continental Army. 


Orangutan’s favorite food is a spiky fruit called a durian They also like flowers, honey, bark, leaves, and insects I bet you didn’t know that they live on an island

Orangutan’s favorite food is a spiky fruit called a durian. They also like flowers, honey, bark, leaves, and insects. I bet you didn’t know that they live on an island!


they are found dead by the side of the road because when they get startled, they leap into the air that is a big problem when a car hits them, they can not survive the impact

They are found dead by the side of the road because when they get startled, they leap into the air. That is a big problem! When a car hits them, they can not survive the impact. 


The space alien landed the UFO. 

What is the predicate of the sentence (do)? 

landed the UFO


work. old does That clock not

That old clock does not work. 


Name 3 capitalization rules (example: pronoun "I")

1. First word in a sentence 2. Days of the week 3. Months of the year 4. Names of holidays 5. Specific people (names) 6. Specific places (names) 7. Titles 8. Proper adjectives 9. Clubs and organizations


Yesterday we went to the zoo I found out that the orangutan only lives for about 45 years Did you know that Guas, who lives at the Philadelphia Zoo, lived until he was 58 years old What do they eat

Yesterday we went to the zoo. I found out that the orangutan only lives for about 45 years. Did you know that Guas, who lives at the Philadelphia Zoo, lived until he was 58 years old? What do they eat?


can you guess what is the tallest land animal you are correct, it is the giraffe the male can be up to 18 feet tall and the female 14 feet tall the calves are 6 feet tall at birth where do they live

Can you guess what is the tallest land animal? You are correct, it is the giraffe! The male can be up to 18 feet tall and the female 14 feet tall. The calves are 6 feet tall at birth. Where do they live?