Random #2
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Random #4
Random #5

What is a subordinate clause?

It cannot express a complete thought and cannot stand alone.


What type of clause is this: "Although I am tired,"

It is a subordinate/dependent clause.


What is a verb that acts as an equal sign and connects the subject to the predicate?

It is a linking verb.


What is a pronoun that asks a question (whom, who, which, etc.)?

It is an interrogative pronoun.


What type of sentence is this: "The person and her dog yelled at the dog and gave it a treat."

It is a simple sentence.


Which word is the participle: "Chosen for her leadership skills, Martha was a good captain."

The word is 'chosen'.


What is a noun or noun phrase that receives the action of a transitive verb?

It is a direct object.


What is a complex sentence?

It has one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.


Which word is the gerund? "Running down the hill was terrifying."

The word running is the gerund.


What type of sentence is this: "I asked a question to my teacher, but my teacher said that it was a stupid question."

It is a compound-complex sentence.


What type of sentence is this: "During the morning, I smiled, because the puppy wagged its tail."

It is a compound sentence.


What type of verb is this: 

That mockingbird certainly sounds carefree.

It is a linking verb.


What type of phrase is this: "SEEING ITSELF IN THE MIRROR, the cat seemed quite bewildered."

It is a participle phrase.


What type of sentence is this: "At my school, there are many people, since my school is big."

It is a complex sentence.


Find the pronoun, and identify what type it is:

All of the hotel's staff members were very helpful.

The pronoun is the word "all", and it is an indefinite pronoun.


What type of phrase is this: "I gave the paper TO MY CLASSMATE."

It is a prepositional phrase.


What type of sentence is the following: "Bob was in the lead for half of the race, but I won at the end, which made Bob cry."

This is a compound-complex sentence.


Is this a pronoun, adjective, or noun:

Which way did the ball go?

This is an adjective.


What type of sentence is this: "Brandon and Luna grabbed a cookie and ate it."

This is a simple sentence.


What is an adjective phrase?

It's a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or a pronoun.


What is an infinitive?

It's a verb form that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.


What is the italicized word in this sentence: "The people were running past and not frightened by the crowd"

It is a participle.


Find the pronoun, and name the type of pronoun:

Animal Farm is about farm animals that chase away their owners.

The pronoun is the word "that", and it's a relative pronoun.


What is a gerund?

It's a verb that ends in "ing", and acts like a noun.


What type of phrase is this: "The children yelled THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT."

It is an adverb phrase.