
Which of the nouns in this sentence are proper nouns?:

Ronaldo loved the buildings in the city of Brasilia.

Ronaldo, Brasilia

(proper nouns are specific, always uppercase)


The steaming bowl of stew smelled like onions, peppers, and rich seafood.

a) action verb

b) linking verb

c) helping verb

b) linking verb

Linking verbs describe a "state of being". If the verb describes what the subject is like, then we're dealing with a linking verb.

  • Flowers smell nice
  • Tennis seems hard
  • Alice is tall


Choose the best pronoun for this sentence.

If you have any questions, please email ______ or Addison.

a) myself

b) me

b) me

We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same thing. 

Examples of reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves.


Approaching that polar bear seems like ______ unwise move. 

a) a

b) an

c) the

b) an


Choose the preposition that makes the most sense in this sentence.

I’m walking ______ Charles.

a) with

b) up

c) of

a) with


Which of the nouns in this sentence is a concrete noun?:

Benjamin approached the mysterious man with confidence.

Benjamin, man

(Concrete nouns are physical)


Which word in this sentence is a verb?

Put on your coat.



Choose the best personal pronoun for this sentence.

The shooting star lit up the night sky; everyone could see ______ for miles.

a) it

b) the star

c) a shiny trail

a) it

Personal pronouns refer to people and things. They include I/me, you, he/she, they, we/us, and it.


Which word does the bolded adverb modify?

I have researched French history extensively.



Choose the conjunction that fits best in this sentence.

I was confident about my submarine driving exam results, ______ I had studied.

a) but

b) for

c) or

b) for


Ms. Fenton’s office walls were lined with ______. 

a) Bookshelves

b) Bookshelfs


(-f to -ves)

This doesn't apply to all words, such as chefs


Choose the progressive form of the verb [in brackets].

He [to depart] tomorrow

a) departs

b) have departed


c) is departing

Progressive verbs show that an action is ongoing.


Choose the correct possessive pronoun or adjective for this sentence.

The dragon opened ______ mouth.

a) it

b) its

c) it's

b) its

Possessive adjectives like "my" and "her" can be used to show that a noun belongs to someone:

  • Her backpack is red.

Possessive pronouns like "mine" and "hers" can stand in for nouns that belong to someone:

  • Her backpack is red, but mine is blue.


Which word in the sentence is an article?

A flock of parrots flew overhead.


Articles are a type of adjectives that tells you whether or not something is specific.

The, a, and an are the only articles in English.


Herbert bought passes to the Classic Film Festival ______ he loved Humphrey Bogart. 

a) whereas

b) because

c) nor

b) because


The thief made off with an entire trunk of precious gems.

a) thieves

b) thiefs

c) theifen

d) thieven

a) theives


In the sentence below, what is the bold modal verb being used to do?

It looks like it could rain today.

a) This sentence uses could to ask for permission

b) This sentence uses could to express how likely it is that it will rain.

b) This sentence uses could to express how likely it is that it will rain.


Choose the correct relative pronoun!

My science teacher is a person ______ I admire.

a) whose

b) which

c) that

c) that

Relative pronouns allow us to add descriptive phrases about particular nouns:

* The horse was panting hard.

* The horse that won the race was panting hard.


Which word in this sentence is an adverb?

I’m so glad you're coming!


Adverbs describe words that are not nouns. They usually describe verbs (e.g., I ran quickly), but sometimes describe adjectives or other adverbs (e.g., the really tall giraffe).


Liz didn’t want to go grocery shopping, ______ did she want to stop at the dry cleaner’s. 

a) or

b) nor

c) so

b) nor


Sightings of giant ______ are thought to have inspired old stories of sea monsters like the kraken. 

a) squids

b) squiden

c) squid

c) squid


Choose the perfect form of the verb!

In his native country, he ______ a fugitive from justice.

a) had been

b) was

c) was being

a) had been

Perfect verbs show that an action is completed. To create a perfect verb phrase, we use a form of "to have" alongside a past tense verb.


It’s not clear who the underlined pronoun in this sentence is referring to. Which choice makes the sentence clear?

Pamela and Amy stopped at a gas station so she could buy some snacks.

a) the hungry one

b) Amy

c) that girl

b) Amy


Should there be a comma between the bolded adjectives?

I love bright green apples.


  • Are they in the same DOSA-SCOMP category? (Determiner, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose)

  • Can you put "and" between the adjectives without making an awkward sentence?

If the answer to these questions is "yes", then we should place a comma between the adjectives


Identify the prepositional phrase.

To win the state championship requires a tremendous amount of practice.

a) of practice

b) requires

c) a tremendous amount

a) of practice

Examples of prepositions include on, off, to, of, in, out, after, before, under, over, by, and with.