Revise I
Edit I
Revise II
Edit II

Revise sentence 5 in a clear and effective way.

They never wanted to any restaurants go with us ever. 

They never go to restaurants with us. 


What change should be made to sentence?

She wobled at first and then began gliding just like Emily.

A. Change wobled to wobbled

B. delete and

C.  change began to begins

A. Change wobled to wobbled


How should sentence 18 be revised?

(18) People should be able to relax, and people should be able to enjoy a meal. 

A. People should be able to relax and enjoy a meal. 

B. People should relax and enjoy to be able for a meal. 

C. People should be able to relax, so people should enjoy a meal. 

A. People should be able to relax and enjoy a meal. 


What change is needed in sentence 9?

(9) She was finally ice skating all by herself?

A) Change the question mark to a period

B) Change skating to Skating

C) Change the question mark to an exclamation point

C) Change the question mark to an exclamation point


What is the BEST way to revise sentence 21?

(21) They had been having trouble, and it was in the past for some of the kids in paying attention.

A. Some of the kids in paying attention in the past had been having trouble. 

B. In the past some of the kids had been having trouble. 

C. Paying attention for some of the kids in the past had been having trouble. 

B. In the past some of the kids had been having trouble.


(1) In 2019, thousands of teachers from all over the world came together. (2) At this gathering, science teacher Peter Tabichi was given a very big award, the Global Teacher Prize. (3) He was honored publicly and will receive $1 million over a 10-year period. (4) The students and parents really like Tabichi. 

What sentence should replace sentence 4 to better state the central idea of this paper?

A) Tabichi was recognized because of the difference he is making in children's lives.

B) The Global Teacher Prize was awarded to a man named Peter Tabichi.

C) More teachers who serve their students should be recognized like Tabichi was.

A) Tabichi was recognized because of the difference he is making in children's lives.


What change is needed in this sentence?

Several year's later, people still can't tell the difference between the twins. 

A) Change year's to years

B) Change later to latter

C) Change people to People

A) Change year's to years


(11) Tabichi wanted to help children. (12) He decided to become a teacher at their school. (13) He knew it would be very different from his previous experience. 

What is the BEST transition to add to the beginning of sentence 12?

A) However,

B) Additionally,

C) Therefore,

C) Therefore


What change is needed in sentence 8?

(8) However, the idea had begun years earlyer.

A) Change idea to ideas

B) Change had begun to had began

C) Change earlyer to earlier

C) Change earlyer to earlier


Kinsley has not used the BEST choice of words in sentence 2. Which phrase should replace a very big in this sentence. 

(2) At this gathering, science teacher Peter Tabichi was given a very big award, the Global Teacher Prize.

A) one large

B) an important

C) this certain

B) an important


Revise the run-on sentence.

Kelly loves basketball she plays every day and even has a court in her backyard. 

Kelly loves basketball so, she plays every day. She even has a court in her backyard. 


How should the sentence be changed?

Joseph said he knew his uncles had thrown a party for theirselves.

A) Change thrown to threw

B) Change through to threw

C) Change theirselves to themselves

C) Change theirselves to themselves


Revise the sentence below. 

Michael used colored pencils for the art project. Liam used paints for the art project.

A) Michael used colored pencils for the art project, while Liam used paints.

B) Michael used colored pencils for the art project so Liam used paints. 

C) Michael used colored pencils for the art project, and for the art project, Liam used paints.

A) Michael used colored pencils for the art project, while Liam used paints.


What is the correct way to write sentence 21?

(21) Wanting to bring other Russian artists to the area to create works of art. 

A) He wanted to bring other Russian artists to the area to create works of art.

B) He wanted to bring other Russian artists to the area. To create works of art.

C) He wanted to bring other Russian artists to the area they could create works of art.

A) He wanted to bring other Russian artists to the area to create works of art.


What needs to be capitalized in the 

Cambridge university is one of the oldest universities in the world. 



What is the BEST way to revise this sentence?

Colvin filed a lawsuit and with some other women. 

A) With some other women Colvin did it, filed a lawsuit.

B) Colvin and some other women filed a lawsuit.

C) Colvin filed and some other women filed a lawsuit too.

B) Colvin and some other women filed a lawsuit.


What is the correct way to write this sentence?

Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain, others like past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field. 

A) Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Because others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in the field. 

B) Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain, and others walk past. Rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in the field. 

C) Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in the field.

C) Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in the field.


What is the BEST way to revise sentence 13?

(13) Baxter had a lot to say, so most mornings I just listened and a giggle. 

A) Baxter had a lot to say, so most mornings I just listened and giggled.

B) Baxter had a lot to say but most mornings I just listened and giggled. 

C) Baxter had a lot to say and listen to most mornings, so I just had to giggle. 

A) Baxter had a lot to say, so most mornings I just listened and giggled.


What is the correct way to write sentence 4?

(4) They established the Republic of Texas they proudly created their own flag. 

A) They established the Republic of Texas. And proudly created their own flag. 

B) They established the Republic of Texas and proudly created their own flag.

C) They established and proudly created their own flag. For the Republic of Texas. 

B) They established the Republic of Texas and proudly created their own flag.


What words need to be capitalized in this sentence?

Captain chris set off with his crew on the apollo 13 space shuttle. 

Chris and Apollo


What is the MOST effective way to combine these sentences?

I stood up straight. My backpack knocked Ms. Kessler's coffee mug onto the floor. 

A) I stood up straight, and my backpack knocked and bumped Ms. Kessler's coffee mug onto the floor. 

B) While I stood up straight with my backpack, it knocked Ms. Kessler's coffee mug and onto the floor.

C) As I stood up straight, my backpack knocked Ms. Kessler's coffee mug onto the floor.

C) As I stood up straight, my backpack knocked Ms. Kessler's coffee mug onto the floor.


What change needs to be made to this sentence?

As a result, people use this part of the brain to make decisions, solve problems, and acheive goals.

A) Change use to used 

B) Change problems to problem's 

C) Change acheive to achieve 

C) Change acheive to achieve


Read the third paragraph:

(5) Baxter and I were usually the only kids at our bus stop. (6) He was in fifth grade and I was in fourth. (7) He treated me like a little brother. (8) Most people called me Chuck, but Baxter had given me the nickname Chuckers years ago. (9) We had been waiting for the yellow school bus together ever since I had started kindergarten. (10) We had always waited for that bus together.

Which sentence in this paragraph repeats information and should be removed?

A) Sentence 9

B) Sentence 10

C) Sentence 6

B) Sentence 10


Which word completes the sentence. 

_________ a person's behavior around others. 

A)  For shaping

B) To shape 

C) It shapes

C) It shapes


What words need to be capitalized in this paragraph? 

first mate murphy said, "argh, how may i be of service to ye?" captain chris gave the orders and the crew set sail for the barbary coast. first mate murphy began distributing hams to the men while captain chris addressed the crew. the captain said, "today, wednesday, june 1st, be the most important day of yer' filhy lives!"

First Mate Murphy, Argh, I, Captain Chris, Barbary Coast, First Mate Murphy, Captain Chris, The, Today, Wednesday, June.