relative clause
will, might, be going to for predictions
give and respond to personal news

Alice is a journalist ________ I trust.



The sky’s gone dark, so I’m pretty sure it ___________ to rain.

is going


Complete the conversation with the correct words. 

A: There’s something I (1) n_____ to tell you.
B: What’s that?
A: I’m afraid I crashed the car.
B: Oh that’s (2) a______. Are you OK?

1) need

2) awful


We never post photos online _______ show our friends without asking them first.



I know you’re nervous about the test, but I’m sure ________ do well.

you'll/you will


Complete the conversation with the correct words.

A: Bad news, I’m (1) a_______.
B: What’s the matter?
A: I lost my wallet with more than €200 in cash.
B: Oh no! That’s (2) t________.


1) afraid

2) terrible


We stopped to help a man _______ car had broken down.



I’m not sure this is going to work, but I _______ be wrong.



Complete the conversation with the correct words.

A: (1) G_____ what! I’m moving house tomorrow.
B: Really? Wow, that’s (2) w_______ . I’m so (3) pl______ for you.

1) Guess

2) wonderful

3) pleased


Remake the sentence. Use a relative pronoun.

I remember that day. We first met online then. 

I remember the day ____________ online.  

when we first met


We’re late, so __________ miss the start of the film.

we're going to


Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the conversation.

A: ______________ we’re getting married. (this / believe / but / you / won’t)

B: Wow. Congratulations! _______________! (good / that / news / is)

You won't believe this but...

That is good news!


Remake the sentence. Use a relative pronoun.

There’s a page on this website. You can find really strange news stories there.
There’s a page on this website _________ really strange news stories.

where you can find


Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets in the correct form and with the correct word order. 

He has done no work, so he _____________ pass his exams! (definitely not / going)

definitely isn't going to


Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the conversation. 

A: I’ve _________________. (something / tell / you / got / to)

B: What is it?

A: _____________ my exams. (failed / unfortunately / I)

B: Oh, I’m really sorry. __________. (a / shame / what) something to tell you

Unfortunately, I failed...

What a shame.