Subordinating conjunctions
Fix Grammar
Combine them

Michael was hungry ___ he had just eaten dinner. 

A. though

B. or 

C. since



Karen hit the gas pedal when the light turned green and zig zagged through traffic. Once she found a parking spot, she popped the trunk, grabbed her suitcase and ran to the terminal. As she made her way to the security line she heard the announcement say, "Final boarding for flight 205 to JFK". As she looked a head a the line to get trough security, she looked down at her ticked. She let out a sigh and slowly started towards the customer service desk.

Why did Karen zig zag through traffic?

She is late for her flight. 


Dylan never share anything.

Dylan never shareS anything.


Linda ate dinner. Linda saw a movie. 

Linda ate dinner and saw a movie.


Annalise ran eagerly to her mother __ school was over

a. after

b. during

c. before



Karen hit the gas pedal when the light turned green and zig zagged through traffic. Once she found a parking spot, she popped the trunk, grabbed her suitcase and ran to the terminal. As she made her way to the security line she heard the announcement say, "Final boarding for flight 205 to JFK". As she looked a head a the line to get trough security, she looked down at her ticked. She let out a sigh and slowly started towards the customer service desk.

Why does she starting to walk slowly at the end?

She missed her flight

Frank ride the bus to school.

Frank rideS the bus to school. 


I like Monopoly. I don't like Connect Four.

I like Monopoly but not Connect Four. 


___ Elijah ate 35 pieces of candy, his stomach was hurting. 

a. since

b. beforehand

c. though



Karen hit the gas pedal when the light turned green and zig zagged through traffic. Once she found a parking spot, she popped the trunk, grabbed her suitcase and ran to the terminal. As she made her way to the security line she heard the announcement say, "Final boarding for flight 205 to JFK". As she looked a head a the line to get trough security, she looked down at her ticked. She let out a sigh and slowly started towards the customer service desk. 

What is she going to do at the customer service desk?

Get a refund/flight change


My mother type really fast. 

My mother types really fast.


Jack went up the hill. Jill went up the hill. 

Jack and Jill went up the hill. 


I told my mom __ she would trust me in the future.

a. so

b. likewise

c. and


Brenda reached for a box of tissue. She blew her nose and tried to take a deep breath in. Her nose was clogged. She stood up slowly and her head started to pound. Brenda went over to grab her phone and click the contact number for her work. A familiar voice answered the phone and with a peppy voice said, "hey Brenda! excited to have a shift with you tonight!" Brenda grunted and responded "yeah, well, I need to talk to the manager"

Why was Brenda moving slowly?

She is sick


They runned at track practice. 

They ran at track practice.


My sister lost her phone at the beach. My sister lost her ring at the beach. 

My sister lost her phone and ring at the beach.


__ that anna was angry at her brother, she decided to prank him. 

a. because

b. so

c. before



Brenda reached for a box of tissue. She blew her nose and tried to take a deep breath in. Her nose was clogged. She stood up slowly and her head started to pound. Brenda went over to grab her phone and click the contact number for her work. A familiar voice answered the phone and with a peppy voice said, "hey Brenda! excited to have a shift with you tonight!" Brenda grunted and responded "yeah, well, I need to talk to the manager" 

What is Brenda going to talk about with the manager?

She is probably going to call off work 


Yesterday I was so thirsty, I drinked eight bottles of water. 

Yesterday I was so thirsty, I drank eight bottles of water. 


Our field trip is to the zoo. Our field trip is to the museum. 

Our field trip is to the zoo and museum.