Parts of a Sentence
Figurative Language
Advance Vocabulary

I am always capitalized, especially when I'm a name, place, or thing. 

What is a Proper Noun? 


This is the author that is largely misrepresented in the world of literature because he didn't leave any dairies, and left one of the world's most popular literary genres as his legacy - the detective story. 

Who was Edgar Allan Poe? 


When a human characteristic is attributed to something nonhuman, such as an animal or object. 

What is personification? 


To have a strong desire to get or do something; to seek. "I want a luxury sports car!" 

What is "aspire"? 


To feel sickeningly unpleasant. 

What is "bilious"? 


This punctuation helps to set apart character dialogue and sometimes are used to distinguish a book, poem, play, articles, or newspapers. 

What are quotation marks? 


This is the occupation of the main character, Frederic Henry, during WWI in the novel "A Farewell to Arms." 

What is an ambulance driver in the Italian Army? 


An exaggerated statement or claim that is not meant to be taken literally.

What is a hyperbole? 


Very obvious in an offensive or shameless way, almost to the point of being Pinocchio.  


What is "blatant"? 


To be favorable; conducive to success, or the opposite of sinister. Such as the color of red during Chinese New Years. 

What is "auspicious"? 


This punctuation is used to separate two main clauses and replace a conjunction (and, but, however) to make compound sentences. 

What is a semi-colon? 


This is the novel about four sisters' coming of age story that represent one of the first literature works of classical feminism? 

What is "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott?


To be madly in love with someone or something. 

What is "head over heels"? 


When someone is inclined to act without thinking; hasty. Such as to cut all of their hair off without thinking. 

What is "impetuous"? 


To use deceit in order to achieve one’s goal, or intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity. 

What is "subterfuge"? 


These words replace a noun and is used to show possessive ownership in a sentence without using " 's."

What is a possessive pronoun: his, hers, or ours


This author is famous for his treks through Africa, and writing about his experiences to the most authentic essence of truth that truth could be. 

Who was Ernest Hemingway? 


Dorothy in "the Wizard of Oz," is often referred to as this because she is a naive character.   

What is "rose-colored"?


When someone is in such amazement or fear that it can make one feel confused.

What is "consternation"?


A person who has an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition; or is usually calm, cool, and collected, especially under stress. 

What is "phlegmatic"?


These phrases modify a verb, adverb, and adjective but must begin with a preposition word. 

What is a prepositional adverb phrase? 


The famous phrase in Poe's 1845 Poem "The Raven," which began the rumor that he wrote the poem while morning for his dead wife. 

What is "Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.

Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'" ?


When a situation or routine is lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous.

What is Humdrum? 


To have freedom from being harmed or punished. 

What is "impunity"? 


A thing or idea that is only partially in existence;  incipient, rudimentary. Or a thing that is imperfectly formed. 

What is "inchoate"?