Punctuation and Verbs
Verbs and Pronouns
Possessives and Modifiers

Provide an example of a contrast transition. 

However, On the other hand, by contrast, alternatively, instead, conversely, etc. 


FANBOYS is our acronym to remember conjunctions. What does the acronym stand for?

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So


Is the following word a verb or verbal: increasing



What is the difference between the pronouns "which" and "that"?

which is for nonessential clauses and should have a comma before it, and that is for essential clauses and should not have a comma before it


How do you know when College Board is testing you on modifiers, other than the fact that the question will ask you to "conform to the conventions of Standard English"?

The first word or phrase for the answers will keep changing. 


Provide an example of a cause/effect transition.

Therefore, thus, as a result, hence, consequently, etc. 

Can two independent clauses (complete sentences) be combined with a FANBOYS (conjunction)?


Identify all of the following verbs as singular or plural in the correct order: increases, has increased, increase, are increasing

S, S, P, P


Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun: Amazon updated ______ delivery protocols. 



Which of the following is correct: 

A. the plays of Shakespeare

B. the plays of Shakespeare's

A. the plays of Shakespeare

'Specifically" is an example transition. And it should only be used in what circumstance?

The sentence is a more specific version of the general statement given in the previous sentence. 


Name a word that should NOT come after a colon. 

FANBOYS, including, such as, any contrast word or word that means "for example," etc


What is the rule for how you can use a single dash (meaning one em dash)?



The Maillard reaction takes place when amino acids and sugars are heated together. In the presence of heat, ______ a complex series of chemical reactions, resulting in the formation of new compounds that contribute to the characteristic taste and aroma of cooked food. 

Which choice best completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. it undergoes 

B. this undergoes 

C. itself undergoes 

D. they undergo

D. they undergo


Renowned for her avant-garde approach, ______ Her signature polka dots and infinite mirrored rooms create immersive experiences, blurring the lines between art and reality. 

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. artist Yayoi Kusama’s works blur the lines between art and reality, captivating audiences worldwide. 

B. artist Yayoi Kusama produces works that blur the lines between art and reality, captivating audiences worldwide.

C. audiences worldwide are captivated by artist Yayoi Kusama’s works, which transcend boundaries. 

D. artists like Yayoi Kusama produce works that blur the lines between art and reality, captivating audiences worldwide.

B. artist Yayoi Kusama produces works that blur the lines between art and reality, captivating audiences worldwide.


"Indeed" and "In fact" are examples of what kind of transition?

Emphasis Transition


A semi-colon MUST combine two independent clauses (complete sentences) and should NOT be used with a FANBOYS (conjunction). There is one exception to this rule. What is that exception?

When it is being used as a super comma in a list of three or more


What tense is "has worked" in?

Present Perfect Tense


The annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) symposium, which brings together a community of renowned scientists, educators, policy makers, and journalists, ______ vibrant discussions on the forefront of science. Each year, professionals flock to a designated city within the US to participate in over a hundred different lectures and presentations. 

Which choice best completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. spark 

B. sparks

C. have sparked 

D. are sparking

B. sparks


In his commentary on America’s book-banning history, Kenneth C. Davis critically describes how Civil War veteran Anthony Comstock became ______ through solely determining the works that were acceptable and unacceptable for the US masses, at least until 1907. 

Which choice best completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. “the nations Puritanical overseer of books” 

B. “the nations’ Puritanical overseer of books” 

C. “the nation’s Puritanical overseer of books” 

D. “the nation’s Puritanical overseer’s of books”

C. “the nation’s Puritanical overseer of books”


In 2011, a seismometer detected seismic activity from a magnitude 8.9 earthquake and automatically cut the power to all 30 bullet trains in Japan, potentially avoiding mass architectural damage to the tracks. ______ the cut to the power prevented citizens from being caught in a dangerous location during the earthquake and allowed riders to seek shelter. 

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition? 

A. Moreover,

B. In comparison, 

C. Specifically, 

D. Granted,

A. Moreover,


AAAWWUBBIS is our acronym for remembering subordinate conjunctions, which make a a clause dependent. What does it stand for. 

As, Although, After, When, While, Unless (Until), Before, Because, If, Since

Small-scale farmers, particularly in Asian and sub?Saharan African nations, play a pivotal role in generating around 80% of the food supply in these ______ farmers face formidable challenges aggravated by the compounding effects of climate change, conflicts, and an escalating cost-of-living crisis, which have left millions of people in a state of chronic hunger. 

Which choice best completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. regions, however, these 

B. regions; however, these

C. regions, however. These 

D. regions however these

B. regions; however, these


Marie Curie was a pioneering physicist and chemist whose groundbreaking research on radioactivity led to the development of X-rays, ______ medical treatment. Her contributions to science earned her the distinction of being the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, the first person to receive it twice, and the only person to this day to receive it in different fields of study. 

Which choice best completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. revolutionized 

B. to revolutionize 

C. revolutionizing

D. having revolutionized

C. revolutionizing


Unlike those of any other desert, ______ With temperatures soaring above 50°C, and scarce water, only the hardiest survive. Remarkably, the camel, with its specialized physiology, thrives in this harsh landscape, a testament to nature's ingenuity. 

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A. the Sahara Desert’s sands stretch endlessly, challenging life to adapt.

B. it is challenging for life to adapt to the Sahara Desert’s endless sands. 

C. the Sahara Desert has sands that stretch endlessly, challenging life to adapt. 

D. the challenge for life in the Sahara Desert is to adapt, as its sands stretch endlessly.

A. the Sahara Desert’s sands stretch endlessly, challenging life to adapt.