Is this a run-on sentence? If so, how would you correct it?

“He spent all of his money on video games he couldn’t afford a movie ticket.”

Yes, this is a run-on sentence.

One way to correct it: "He spent all of his money on video games, so he couldn't afford a movie ticket."


Does this contain a comma splice? If so, how would you correct it?

“Bella likes to sing, similarly, she likes to play piano.”

Yes, this contains a comma splice.

One way to fix it: "Bella likes to sing and play piano."


Is this a sentence fragment? If so, how would you correct it?

“The cat jumped over the box.”

No, this is not a sentence fragment.


Is this in active or passive voice?

“‘The Starry Night’ was painted by Vincent van Gogh.”

Passive voice

Does this sentence contain any errors? If so, what would you change?

“I dislike how cold it gets in the Winter.”

Yes, "winter" should not be capitalized.


Is this a run-on sentence? If so, how would you correct it?

“She likes to plant flowers and vegetables.”

No, this is not a run-on sentence.


Does this contain a comma splice? If so, how would you correct it?

“I drive a car, so I need insurance.”

No, this isn't a comma splice.


Is this a sentence fragment? If so, how would you correct it?

“My favorite pajamas.”

Yes, this is a sentence fragment.

One way to fix it: "These are my favorite pajamas."


Is this in active or passive voice?

“The dog chased the ball.”

Active voice


Does this sentence contain any errors? If so, what would you change?

“The cows on the farm moos loudly.”

Yes, there is an error in subject-verb agreement. It should be "The cows on the farm moo loudly" or "The cow on the farm moos loudly."


Is this a run-on sentence? If so, how would you correct it?

“After the student finished her homework, she prepared lunch and cleaned her room.”

No, this is not a run-on sentence.


Does this contain a comma splice? If so, how would you correct it?

“I want to get good grades, therefore I study a lot.”

Yes, this contains a comma splice.

One way to fix it: "I want to get good grades. Therefore, I study a lot."


Does this contain a sentence fragment? If so, how would you correct it?

“After she finished watching the movie. That’s when she cut her hair.”

Yes, this contains a sentence fragment.

One way to fix it: "She cut her hair after she watched the movie."


Is this in active or passive voice?

“I will be hosting a party on Friday.”

Passive voice


Does this sentence contain any errors? If so, what would you change?

“Stacy bought the laptop, so it’s her’s.”

Yes, it should be "hers" because this usage of the word is possessive.


Is this a run-on sentence? If so, how would you correct it?

“I was tired, I took a nap.”

Yes, this is a run-on sentence.

One way to fix it: "I took a nap because I was tired."


Does this contain a comma splice? If so, how would you correct it?

“Although I have a lot of homework, I try to make time for hobbies.”

No, this does not contain a comma splice.


Does this contain a sentence fragment? If so, how would you correct it?

“Since she was the director, she made the important decisions.”

No, this does not contain a sentence fragment.


How would you change this to active voice?

“The papers were graded by the professor.”

One way to fix: "The professor graded the papers."


Does this sentence contain any errors? If so, what would you change?

“Do you want to meet for lunch tommorrow?”

Yes, it should be spelled "tomorrow."


Is this a run-on sentence? If so, how would you correct it?

“I forgot my water bottle, I was so dehydrated.”

Yes, this is a run-on sentence.

One way to fix it: I was so dehydrated because I forgot my water bottle.


Does this contain a comma splice? If so, how would you correct it?

“The parking deck is very busy, however, the situation improves after a couple of weeks.”

Yes, this contains a comma splice.

One way to fix it: "The parking deck is very busy. However, the situation improves after a couple of weeks."


Does this contain a sentence fragment? If so, how would you correct it?

“Why did I eat the last taco? Because I was hungry.”

Yes, this contains a sentence fragment.

One way to fix it: "I ate the last taco because I was hungry."


How would you change this to active voice?

“My friend will be visiting the museum tomorrow.”

One way to fix: "My friend will visit the museum tomorrow."

Does this sentence contain any errors? If so, what would you change?

“The chef made changes to accommodate Tony's allergies.”

No, this sentence is correct as is.