Verb Tenses
Passive Voice

What tense is used in the sentence: She is cooking dinner? 

a) present simple 

b) present continuous 

c) past simple 

d) past continuous 

Correct Answer: b) present continuous

This tense is used for actions happening at the present moment.  


What is the correct preposition?

I will see you ___ Monday

a) in

b) at

c) on

d) by 

Correct Answer: c) on

This preposition is used to indicate a specific point in time. 


What article is used in the sentence: Please close ___ door ?

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) no article

Correct Answer: c) the 

This article is used before singular, countable nouns that are specific or known. 


Which sentence is an example of zero conditional?

a) If I had a car, I would drive to work. 

b) If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic. 

c) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.

d) If I were you, I would apologise. 

Correct Answer: c) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. 

Zero conditional is used for universal truths and general facts.


Which sentence is in the passive voice?

a) The chef cooks the meal. 

b) The meal is cooked by the chef. 

c) The chef is cooking the meal.

d) The chef will cook the meal.

Correct Answer: The meal is cooked by the chef. 


Which tense is used in the sentence: She finished her homework yesterday?

a) past perfect

b) future simple

c) present perfect

d) past simple 

Correct Answer: d) past simple 

This tense describes actions that were completed at some point in the past. Additionally, 'yesterday' indicates that the action is in the past simple.


What is the correct preposition?

The keys are ___ the room.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) by 

Correct Answer: b) in

This preposition is used to indicate a position inside a space. 


What article is used in the sentence: I need ___ pen ?

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) no article

Correct answer: c) a 

This article is used before singular, countable nouns that are not specific.


Identify the first conditional sentence: 

a) If I won the lottery, I would travel the world. 

b) If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam. 

c) If it rains, we will stay indoors.

d) If he was here, he would know what to do. 

 Correct Answer: c) If it rains, we will stay indoors. 

First conditional is used for real and possible situations in the future.


What is the passive form of 'The teacher will explain the lesson'?  The lesson ___ by the teacher. 

a) explained

b) explains

c) will explain

d) will be explained

Correct Answer: d) will be explained 

The lesson will be explained by the teacher.


Which tense is used in the sentence: I have lived here for five years ?

a) present continuous

b) past continuous

c) present perfect

d) future perfect

Correct Answer: c) present perfect 

This tense is used for actions that started in the past and continue into the present.


What is the correct preposition?

Let's go __ the park. 

a) in 

b) to 

c) at

d) by 

Correct Answer: b) to 

This preposition is used to indicate movement to a specific place. 


What article is used in the sentence: She has ___ umbrella ?

a) a

b) the

c) no article

d) an

Correct Answer: d) an 

This article is used before singular, countable nouns that start with a vowel sound.


Choose the correct form to complete this first conditional sentence:  If it ___ (rain) tomorrow, we ___ (cancel) the picnic. 

a) rains/ will cancel 

b) rained/ would cancel

c) rains/ would cancel 

d) rain /will cancel 

Correct Answer: a) rains / will cancel 

First Conditional structure is  "If +  Present Simple, Will + Base Form of Verb"


Which of the following is NOT a passive voice sentence?

a) The book was read by her. 

b) The homework is done by the students. 

c) She read the book 

d) The song was sung by the choir.

Correct Answer: c) She read the book.


Which tense is used in the sentence: By next year, I will have graduated from university ?

a) future simple

b) future continuous

c) future perfect

d) present perfect

Correct answer: c) future perfect. 

This tense is used to describe a future action that will be completed before another future action.


What is the correct preposition?

He apologised__ his mistake. 

a) with 

b) to

c) for 

d) about 

Correct answer: c) for 

This preposition is used to indicate the reason for something. 


What article fills in the blank: She is ___ honest person ?

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) no article

Correct Answer: a) an 


Identify the second conditional sentence: 

a) If I see her, I will tell her. 

b) If I had seen her, I would have told her. 

c) If I saw her, I would tell her.

d) If I see her, I would tell her. 

Correct answer: c) If I saw her, I would tell her. 

Second conditional is used for hypothetical situations that are unlikely or impossible. Second conditional structure is  If +Past Simple, would+ base verb.


What is the passive form of ' They had finished the project? ' The project ___ before the deadline.

a) had been finished 

b) has finished 

c) had finished 

d) is finished 

Correct Answer: a) had been finished


Which tense is used in the sentence: She was cooking dinner when the phone rang?  

a) past simple

b) past perfect

c) past continuous

d) present continuous

Correct Answer: c) past continuous

This tense is used for actions that were ongoing in the past and were interrupted by another action.


What is the correct preposition? 

The book was written ___ him. 

a) by 

b) with 

c) from 

d) about 

Correct answer: a) by

This preposition is used to indicate the agent performing the action in a passive sentence. 


What article is used in this sentence: I love to eat ___ chocolate ?

a) the 

b) no article 

c) a

d) an 

Correct Answer: b) no article 

This article is omitted before uncountable nouns when talking about them in a general sense.


Choose the correct form for the third conditional: If they ___ (not miss) the bus, they___ (arrive) on time. 

a) had not missed/ would arrive

b) had not missed/ would have arrived

c) did not miss/ would have arrived 

d) do not miss/ will arrive

Correct Answer: b) had not missed/ would have arrived. 

The third conditional is used for hypothetical past situations that did not happen. Third conditional structure is If+ Past Perfect, would have+ Past Participle (3rd column).


Convert the following sentence into passive voice: The manager approved the request.

Correct Answer: The request was approved by the manager.