Parts of Speech
Semicolon/ Colon
Dependent/ Independent Clause

Identify the main verb in the following sentence: 

According to Simon Weil, the discipline of study helps students grow in their capacity to love God and neighbor.



Which of the following is NOT a coordinating conjunction: 

and, but, or, nor, the, for, so, and yet

The- the is the definite article. 

By the way, use a comma when combining two independent clauses with a cooridinating conjunction.

e.g. Jake has no talent for numbers, so he hires someone to prepare his taxes.


Correct the following sentence by adding a semi-colon: 

In film, a low-angle shot makes the subject look powerful, a high-angle shot does just the opposite.

In film, a low-angle shot makes the subject look powerful; a high-angle shot does just the opposite.


Is the following an independent or dependent clause? 

Nevertheless, she ate the cookie. 


She= subject

Ate= verb

Nevertheless= conjunctive adverb


Choose the correct verb to match the subject:

The slaughter of pandas for their pelts has/ have caused the panda population to decline drastically.

The slaughter of pandas for their pelts has/ have caused the panda population to decline drastically.

Don't let prepositional phrases and other modifying word groups between a subject and a verb confuse you.


Identify the subject of the following sentence: 

According to Simon Weil, the discipline of study helps students grow in their capacity to love God and neighbor.

discipline (simple subject)


the discipline of study


Correct this sentence with a comma:

When Arthur ran his first marathon he was pleased to finish in under four hours.

When Arthur ran his first marathon, he was pleased to finish in under four hours.


Correct the following sentence by adding a semi-colon:

Immigrants are not threatening our safety, moreover, they boost our economy.

Immigrants are not threatening our safety; moreover, they boost our economy.


Is the following an independent or dependent clause? 

Despite the Mad Hatter's warning.


Despite=preposition being used as a subordinating conjunction.


Choose the correct verb to match the subject:

If your mom or dad visit/s campus, be sure to take them to Ave Brew.

If your mom or dad VISITS campus, be sure to take them to Ave Cafe.


Identify the direct object in the following sentence: 

According to Simon Weil, the discipline of study helps students grow in their capacity to love God and neighbor.



Correct this sentence with 1-2 commas: 

For dinner last night my husband made cabbage soup baked-apples and French bread.

For dinner last night my husband made cabbage soup, baked-apples, and French bread. 


Correct the following sentence by using semicolons:

I packed various snacks for the road trip: fresh fruit, including apples and oranges, an assortment of nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, and some homemade granola bars, which are my favorite.

I packed various snacks for the road trip: fresh fruit, including apples and oranges; an assortment of nuts, such as almonds and walnuts; and some homemade granola bars, which are my favorite.


Is the following an independent or dependent clause? 

Because I skipped both breakfast and dinner.


Because= subordinating conjunction


Improve this sentence:

The unexpected surprise left everyone in awe.

The surprise left everyone in awe.

=> redundancy


Identify a prepositional phrase in the following sentence:

According to Simon Weil, the discipline of study helps students grow in their capacity to love God and neighbor.

to Simon Weil

of study

in their capacity 

to love God and neighbor


Correct the following sentence by adding 1-2 commas: 

Bryan Stevenson is a brave dedicated advocate and he's speaking at the Morris Theater tonight!

Bryan Stevenson is a brave, dedicated advocate, and he's speaking at the Morris Theater tonight!


Correct this sentence using a colon: 

Her goal was clear, she would break the world record.

Her goal was clear: She would break the world record.


Does the following sentence require a comma between clauses?

Because our society can no longer identify trusted sources of truth we have increased fear and anxiety. 


Because our society can no longer identify trusted sources of truth, we have increased fear and anxiety.


Improve this sentence: 

In spite of the fact her campaign raised one billion dollars, I keep getting text messages asking for money.

Although her campaign raised one billion dollars, I keep getting text messages asking for money. 

Avoid inflated phrases like "in spite of the fact" 


Identify the definite article in the following sentence: 

According to Simon Weil, the discipline of study helps students grow in their capacity to love God and neighbor.



Correct the following sentence with 2-3 commas: 

Moreover many of the candidate's policies especially those concerning incarceration are in tension with the Bill of Rights. 

Moreover, many of the candidate's policies, especially those concerning incarceration, are in tension with the Bill of Rights.

1- Conjunctive adverb

2-3- Parenthetical expression


Correct the following sentence using a colon:

The modern student has a great nemesis the videogame.

The modern student has a great nemesis: the videogame.



Does the following sentence require a comma between clauses?

We started to doubt our sources after we were bombarded with misinformation. 


We started to doubt our sources after we were bombarded with misinformation.

When the subordinating clause comes after the independent clause, no comma is necessary. 


Improve this sentence: 

The cake was decorated for the celebration.

The chef decorated the cake for the celebration. 

Avoid passive voice. Put sentences in active voice by placing the subject before the verb.