Grammar and Punctuation Trivia
Correct Me!
Commonly Confused Words and Homophones
Possession and Apostrophes
Subject-Verb Agreement and Antecedents

You use a comma with a FANBOY only in this situation. 

What is when there is a new subject afterwards/when the FANBOY joins two complete sentences. 


Although I have been working for hours I am not yet finished with my homework. (1 mistake)

Add a comma after hours. 


_______house is over ________, and ______ planning to renovate it next month. (Correctly insert there, their, and they're.)

Their, there, they're


Peter didn’t have his textbook with him, so he asked Alice if he could borrow hers/her's.



The book or the pen is/are in the drawer.



This is a word that comes before a pronoun and helps the reader understand what the pronoun means. It is the person/item to which a pronoun refers.

What is an antecedent?


When the girl saw her sister she was happy. (1 mistake.)

When the girl saw her sister, her sister was happy.

The girl was happy when she saw her sister.

Or really anything else that eliminates the vague pronoun reference. 


______ persistence in asking questions shows _______ truly curious, but remember, _____ responsible for _____ own learning journey. (Correctly insert you're and your.)

Your, you're, you're your


In the forest, all the _____________ branches were waving in the wind. 

How do you spell the word that goes in the blank?



The mascot, as well as the hockey players, volunteer/volunteers at the school.



Periods and commas always go here when you are quoting something someone said.

What is inside the quotation marks? 


"All my sisters live in Alabama except Hannah." said Miss Milne. (1 mistake)

Change the period to a comma.


After I _______ the test, I reminisced about the ________, remembering how nervous I was when I ______ through those doors for the first time. (Correctly insert past and passed.)

passed, past, passed


Which sentence uses apostrophes correctly. 

A) The cat's chased each other's tails playfully in the garden.

b) The childrens' toys were scattered all over the living room floor.

c) Sarahs' dog loves to fetch sticks at the park.

d) The team's victory celebration lasted late into the night.



There (is/are) many exotic birds in the aviary, and there (is/are) also a colorful array of butterflies fluttering around the nearby garden.

are, is


When do you use a comma with a subordinate/dependent clause?

When it comes before the ordinate/independent clause in a sentence/when it's an introductory element. 


During Anna's birthday party her parents received many compliments on the chocolate cake nobody liked the punch. (2 mistakes)

During Anna's birthday party(,) her parents received many compliments on the chocolate cake(,but) nobody liked the punch.


During Anna's birthday party(,) her parents received many compliments on the chocolate cake(.N)obody liked the punch.


The sudden change in weather can _______ people's, mood, but it's difficult to predict the long-term ______ it will have on the local ecosystem. (Correct insert effect and affect.)

affect, effect


Its fascinating how a giraffe uses its long neck to reach high leaves; its a testament to its adaptability and its truly a marvel of Gods design. (Add ALL the apostrophes needed without adding an incorrect apostrophe.)

It's fascinating how a giraffe uses its long neck to reach high leaves; it's a testament to its adaptability, and it's truly a marvel of God's design. (4 apostrophes needed)


My best friend, as well as her parents, (is/are) coming to visit me next week, and each of us (is/are) very excited. 



A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in these three ways.

What is person, number, and gender?


Ella our head chef and I had an easy comfortable working relationship neither of us hesitates to discuss problems as they a rise. (5 mistakes, counting by rule, not marks needed.)

Ella, our head chef, and I have an easy, comfortable working relationship; neither of us hesitates to discuss problems as they arise.


If chat with your friends during class rather _______ working on the assignment, _______ I am going to have very little grace with you when _______ grade is lower _______ you expected, and ______ what  ______ parents enact as punishment is beyond my control. (Correctly insert you're and your and than and then. 

than, then, your, than, then


Add apostrophes as needed without adding extra apostrophes. Also select the correct form of you're/your.

In the garden, the flowers vibrant colors showcase their beauty; its a sight you're/your sure to appreciate when you're/your there nurturing its growth."

In the garden, the flowers' vibrant colors showcase their beauty; it's a sight you're sure to appreciate when you're there nurturing its growth.


There have/has been many hurricanes this year. 

1) Choose the correct verb form.

2) Identify the subject of the sentence.

1) have

2) hurricanes