
Fill in the blank:
Proper nouns are always ________________.



What is a pronoun?

A word used in place of a noun


What is the verb/verb phrase in the following sentence?

He should wait for them to get there.

should wait


What is a preposition's object?

a noun or pronoun that follows the preposition

a preposition's object is the noun or pronoun that is affected by the preposition


***Daily Double***

What are the 4 kinds of sentences?

declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory


What is the noun in the following sentence? Is it abstract or concrete?

My dog loves running around!

noun = dog

dog = concrete noun


What is the pronoun and the antecedent in the following sentence?

The flaky croissant was wonderful; it was so buttery!

pronoun = it

antecedent = croissant


What is a compound verb? Do they need to be in the same tense?

More than one verb in a sentence and the verbs must be in the same tense!


***Daily Double***

What is the preposition and the preposition's object in the following sentence?

She is driving across the country this summer.

preposition = across

preposition's object = country


What is a compound sentence and what is a complex sentence?

compound = two independent clauses joined with a coordinating conjunction

complex = one independent clause and one dependent clause joined with a subordinating conjunction


What is the difference between a concrete noun and an abstract noun? Give an example of both.

concrete = tangible/something you can physically see/touch (ex: dog, people, cities)

abstract = intangible/not something you can physically see/touch (ex: courage, anger, knowledge, etc.)


***Daily Double***

What is the plural, third person, object pronoun?



What is the verb/verb phrase? What tense is the verb/verb phrase?

My brother saw a movie yesterday.

verb = saw

verb tense = simple past


What is the preposition, the preposition's object, and the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?

The tiger walked quietly over the tall grass.

preposition = over

preposition's object = grass

prepositional phrase = over the tall grass


Fix the grammar error in the following sentence.

After he went to the store he put the groceries away.

After he went to the store, he put the groceries away.

Since the sentence starts with a dependent clause, the comma MUST follow the dependent clause.


What is the definition of a common noun and a proper noun?

common noun = names a general person, place, or thing

proper noun = names a particular person, place, or thing


If you are talking about yourself, what pronoun correctly fills in these blanks?

Carly and ________ went shopping after school.

Carly told ________ she has dinner at 6 pm.

________ left the mall together at 5:30.

Carly and I went shopping after school.

Carly told me she has dinner at 6 pm.

We left the mall together at 5:30 pm.


What is the verb/verb phrase? What tense is the verb/verb phrase?

John has just gone out to the market.

verb phrase = has gone

verb tense = present perfect


What makes up a prepositional phrase (a.k.a. what is the formula)?

preposition + preposition's object + any other words that describe the object


What kind of sentence is this?

Remember to pick up the dry cleaning today.

imperative = gives a command


What are all of the nouns in the following sentence?

With just a little focus, John can study all night!

focus, John, night


Is the following pronoun a direct object of a verb or object of a preposition?

The crew sailed with him.

object of a preposition


What is the verb/verb phrase? What tense is the verb/verb phrase?

At 5:00 tomorrow, she will be cooking dinner.

verb phrase = will be cooking

verb tense = future progressive


What is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence? Is the prepositional phrase being an adjective or an adverb and why?

Many houses in the small village had been replaced.

prepositional phrase = in the small village

the prepositional phrase is being an adjective because it's describing the noun "houses"


For the following sentence: what is the conjunction, what kind of conjunction is used, is it a compound or complex sentence, and what kind of sentence is it?

Who are you, and why are you here?

conjunction = and

and = coordinating conjunction

compound sentence

interrogative sentence