
Spongebob's address is 124 conch street.

What needs to be corrected in this sentence?

Spongebob’s address is 124 Conch Street.


I logged into the OASIS and immediately saw my avatar, parzival, standing in the bustling city of columbus.

This sentence needs to be corrected for capitalization. What words should be fixed?

I logged into the OASIS and immediately saw my avatar, Parzival, standing in the bustling city of Columbus.


I have played all of the call of duty games, but my favorite is still modern warfare

What needs to be corrected in this sentence?

I have played all of the Call of Duty games, but my favorite is still Modern Warfare.


miles morales is the protagonist in spider-man: into the spider-verse.

Rewrite this sentence to have the correct capitalization.

Miles Morales is the protagonist in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.


Minho was the best Runner in the group_____ he struggled to maintain his usual confidence after the recent attacks.

What conjunction best fits in the blank?

Minho was the best Runner in the group, but he struggled to maintain his usual confidence after the recent attacks.


fortnite was the most-played pc game in march 2024.

What needs to be corrected in this sentence?

Fortnite was the most-played PC game in March 2024.


We will study a film. It will be rated PG because we’re in school.

Combine these two sentences into one sentence.

We will study a film, and it will be rated PG because we’re in school.

We will study a film, but it will be rated PG because we’re in school.

We will study a film, and because we're in school, it will be rated PG.

We will study a film; it will be rated PG because we're in school.


I grip my bow tightly, my fingers trembling as I draw an arrow and take aim at the approaching enemy, each breath a reminder of the danger.

This sentence needs two commas around extra information. What words should they go after?

I grip my bow tightly, my fingers trembling as I draw an arrow and take aim at the approaching enemy, each breath a reminder of the danger.


Among Us has full cross-play. It doesn't have built-in voice chat.

Combine these two sentences into one sentence.

Among Us has full cross-play, but it doesn’t have built-in voice chat.


I love all types of shows. My least favorite are romance shows.

Combine these sentences into one sentence.

I love all types of shows, but my least favorite are romance shows.

I love all types of shows; my least favorite are romance shows.


With a burst of adrenaline I dodged the pursuing enemies and leaped into the portal just in time.

This sentence needs a comma to organize extra information. What word should it go after?

With a burst of adrenaline, I dodged the pursuing enemies and leaped into the portal just in time.


I would recommend a savings account as a first step for everyone—it’s easy to open an account and if your money is in the bank you’re less likely to use it on an impulsive game purchase.

This sentence needs two commas to organize extra information. What words should they go after?

I would recommend a savings account as a first step for everyone—it’s easy to open an account, and if your money is in the bank, you’re less likely to use it on an impulsive game purchase.


The movie was sold out. We decided to grab dinner and try again for the next showing.

How could these sentences be combined?

The movie was sold out, so we decided to grab dinner and try again for the next showing.

, and


As the countdown ends I sprint towards the Cornucopia my heart pounding knowing that survival depends on the first few moments.

The second sentence needs three commas to organize extra information. What words should they go after?

As the countdown ends, I sprint towards the Cornucopia, my heart pounding, knowing that survival depends on the first few moments.


All over the world, video games one of the most widely adopted digital media forms are installing networks of surveillance and control.

This sentence needs two commas to organize information. What words should they go around?

All over the world, video games, one of the most widely adopted digital media forms, are installing networks of surveillance and control.