Plural Possessives
Than v Then
Common Mixups

The (villain's/villains') collective greed led them to break into Wayne Enterprises, believing Batman's secrets would make them invincible.

The villains' collective greed led them to break into Wayne Enterprises, believing Batman's secrets would make them invincible.


The Joker’s plans were always more chaotic (than/then) the heroes could ever predict.

The Joker’s plans were always more chaotic than the heroes could ever predict.


Be sure you use (your/you're) super powers to uplift others rather (than/then) bring them down.

Be sure you use your super powers to uplift others rather than bring them down.


There is a notorious villain in the world of animated films, known for his diabolical plans and love for stealing the moon Gru, the mastermind turned antihero.

This sentence needs a punctuation mark to introduce important information. What word should it go after?

There is a notorious villain in the world of animated films, known for his diabolical plans and love for stealing the moon: Gru, the mastermind turned antihero.

There is a notorious villain in the world of animated films, known for his diabolical plans and love for stealing the moon — Gru, the mastermind turned antihero.


(Spectators'/Spectator’s) screams echoed through the stadium as Bane revealed a nuclear bomb.

Spectators' screams echoed through the stadium as Bane revealed a nuclear bomb.


Magneto used his powers to raise the metal around him, and (than/then) he attacked the X-Men with deadly precision.

Magneto used his powers to raise the metal around him, and then he attacked the X-Men with deadly precision.


That way, (your/you're) grandchildren and their children will be able to carry on the legacy of protecting the world (when/where) the time comes.

That way, your grandchildren and their children will be able to carry on the legacy of protecting the world when the time comes.


In the past, some were repurposed for new projects or recycled, however, most of the Incredibles' enemies were defeated and left in the shadows of obscurity.

This sentence needs to be corrected for punctuation. Which mark should be changed to a different mark?

In the past, some were repurposed for new projects or recycled; however, most of the Incredibles' enemies were defeated and left in the shadows of obscurity.


The (hero’s/heros') efforts to fight the villain alone proved to be unsuccessful.

The hero's efforts to fight the villain alone proved to be unsuccessful.


Catwoman stole the priceless jewel. (Than/Then), she made a quick getaway, leaving Batman in her wake.

Catwoman stole the priceless jewel. Then, she made a quick getaway, leaving Batman in her wake.


That gang of convicts (is/are) headed to the city!

That gang of convicts is headed to the city!

After my encounters with the Super Bully, I would be a mess for days depressed, irritable, hypervigilant, ashamed.

This sentence needs a punctuation mark added to correct it. What word should it go after?

After my encounters with the Super Bully, I would be a mess for days: depressed, irritable, hypervigilant, ashamed.


The (fan’s/fans') support for their hero franchise never wavered, even when the movies were bad.

The fans' support for their hero franchise never wavered, even when the movies were bad.


Red Skull’s vision for the world was more twisted (than/then) even Captain America could understand.

Red Skull’s vision for the world was more twisted than even Captain America could understand.


The second (car's/cars') tires screamed against the pavement—or maybe that was Bruce, he (wasn’t/weren't) sure—and he (sees/saw) the vehicle flip, momentarily airborne.

The other car’s tires screamed against the pavement—or maybe that was Bruce, he wasn’t sure—and he saw the vehicle flip, momentarily airborne.


Took me until I was a sophomore in Super Villain School yes, that long before I finally found it in me to start facing my #1 weakness: stuffed animals.

This sentence needs dashes to organize an aside (an interruption). What words should they go around?

Took me until I was a sophomore in Super Villain School — yes, that long — before I finally found it in me to start facing my #1 weakness: stuffed animals.


(Thanos'/Thanos's) plan was to eliminate half of the (world's/worlds') living beings across the entire universe.

Thanos's plan was to eliminate half of the worlds' living beings across the entire universe.


Placing the cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke quickly and (then/than) put out the light.  Almost immediately, a bullet struck the parapet of the roof nearby.  The sniper took another puff of his cigarette and (then/than) put it out.  (Then/Than) he swore softly to himself and (then/than) moved carefully away to the left.

Placing the cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke quickly and then put out the light.  Almost immediately, a bullet struck the parapet of the roof nearby.  The sniper took another puff of his cigarette and then put it out. Then he swore softly to himself and then moved carefully away to the left.


Some of us forged alliances with dark cosmic forces and (was/were) swept into alternate dimensions, while one man (was/were) cast into a timeline where villains reigned supreme. He sought refuge (in/on) a hidden lair beneath the earth, (and/or) he trained to save the world from the (villain's/villains') collective grasp.

Some of us forged alliances with dark cosmic forces and were swept into alternate dimensions, while one man was cast into a timeline where villains reigned supreme. He sought refuge in a hidden lair beneath the earth, and he trained to save the world from the villains' collective grasp.


Neon lights smeared across the evening streets of Gotham City. Few cars were on the road at this hour and all Bruce could hear was the rush of pavement and wind the sound of his car tearing down the freeway. That was what drew him to machines. They followed algorithms, not emotion; when Bruce pushed his foot down on the pedal the car only responded in one way.

This sentence needs 3 commas added to organize extra information. What words should they go after?

Neon lights smeared across the evening streets of Gotham City. Few cars were on the road at this hour, and all Bruce could hear was the rush of pavement and wind, the sound of his car tearing down the freeway. That was what drew him to machines. They followed algorithms, not emotion; when Bruce pushed his foot down on the pedal, the car only responded in one way.