Sentences that can be combined with coordinating conjunctions
What are complete or compound sentences?
Jane wants to go to Bennington [_] and then she wants to transfer to NYU.
What is a comma?
Doesn't, it's, can't, you'd
What are contractions?
Coordinating Conjunctions
What are FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)?
What is a period?
The seven coordinating conjunctions that can be used with a comma to combine compound sentences
What are FANBOYS: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so?
The 1,000 fossilized eggs studied by researchers belong to only three dinosaur species [_] Macroolithus yaotunensis, Elongatoolinthus elongates, and Stromatoolithus pinglingensis.
What is a colon?
A man's cap
The dog's bowl
The cat's pajamas
What is singular possessive?
Introduces dependent clauses
I bought shiny, ripe cucumbers; small, sweet, juicy cherries; and firm oranges.
What are items in a list that already contain commas?
Clauses that need commas to set them off at the beginning of a sentence
What is an "introductory clause"?
Jacqueline Woodson's body of work includes her memoir in verse [_] The Other Side [_] a picture book about a Black girl and a white girl becoming friends in a segregated town.
What is a comma?
The 1980's
3/4's of a cup
What are numerals?
Come in pairs and join grammatically equal elements
What is a conjunctive adverb?
What is an apposititive?
You can be sure of one thing [_] I'll be back.
What is a colon?
Girls' trip
Faculty members' desks
Cats' and dogs' bowls
What is plural possessive?
Requires a comma when combining two complete sentences
What are coordinating conjunctions?
I am coming home; however, I am not happy about it.
What is joining two sentences with a conjunctive adverb?
Clauses that do not need commas if they come at the end of the sentence
What are subordinate clauses?
The committee members are Alex, a parent [_] Taylor, a teacher [_] and Ali, a community member.
What is a semicolon?
James's Christmas Party
What is singular possession?
Set off with a comma when used at the beginning of a sentence
What are subordinating conjunctions?
What are complete?