Comma Knowledge
Parallel Universe
If the Who Fits
Glad We're in Agreement
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I would like to go to the store but I do not have a list.

I would like to go to the store, but I do not have a list.


I like cleaning and to cook.

I like cleaning and cooking.
I like to clean and to cook.


Who/Whom sold the house?

Who sold the house?


The people is/are very happy with the outcome.

The people are very happy with the outcome.


A dog is washed by a woman.

A woman washes a dog.


We could cook at home or we could go out to eat.

We could cook at home, or we could go out to eat.


Melinda said she is hungry, thirsty, and would like a nap.

Melinda said she is hungry, thirsty, and tired.

Melinda said she would like a snack, a drink, and a nap.


The package was delivered to who/whom?

The package was delivered to whom?


A can of beans sit/sits on the shelf.

A can of beans sits on the shelf.


A local man has been running from law enforcement.

A local man continues to run from law enforcement.


My mother likes chicken and she likes beef.

My mother likes chicken, and she likes beef.


My face is washed, hair is combed, and teeth are brushed.

My face is washed, my hair is combed, and my teeth are brushed.


Who/Whom did you say will be attending the party?

Who did you say will be attending the party?


Martin's family plan/plans to vacation in Florida this summer.

Martin's family plans to vacation in Florida this summer.


A mother says she worries about the safety of her children.

A mother worries about her children's safety.


There is a lot happening in the province; however Dara Lam has been quiet.

There is a lot happening in the province; however, Dara Lam has been quiet.


Johnny likes baseball and running.

Johnny likes to play baseball and to run.

Johnny likes playing baseball and running.


Who/Whom should I talk to about the problem?

Whom should I talk to about the problem?


A huge swarm of locusts has/have destroyed the crops.

A huge swarm of locusts has destroyed the crops.


The mayor is sitting at his desk.

The mayor sits at his desk. 

Even better:

The mayor reviews paperwork regarding a new policy.


The capital of Arnland Beaumont is a beautiful city.

The capital of Arnland, Beaumont, is a beautiful city.


I need you to first water our plants, then walk our dogs. For the last thing, I need you to cook the dinner.

I need you to first water our plants, then walk our dogs, and lastly make our dinner.


I do not know with who/whom I will go to Bayani with.

I do not know with whom I will go to Bayani with.


The flute ensemble is/are tuning its/their instruments.

The flute ensemble are tuning their instruments.


An onlooker watched as security forces tackle an enemy.

An onlooker watches as security forces tackle an enemy.