How can Luna rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
Since I collect souvenir magnets my aunt gave me one. She bought it in Venice Italy.
Since I collect souvenir magnets, my aunt gave me one from Venice, Italy.
The yellow spotted lizard is a fictional animal, it was created for the plot of the book Holes.
The yellow spotted lizard is a fictional animal created for the plot of the book Holes.
The yellow spotted lizard is a fictional animal that was created for the plot of the book Holes.
The yellow spotted lizard is a fictional animal; it was created for the plot of the book Holes.
That alone may seem impressive, but imagine jumping over a bar you cannot even see?
That alone may seem impressive, but imagine jumping over a bar you cannot even see.
How can Ashley rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
Once over the bar. The pole-vaulter lands on a soft mat.
Once over the bar, the pole-vaulter lands on a soft mat.
How can Isaac rewrite the following portion of his paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
You have the opportunity to join more activities in high school. Some activities are anime club, marching band, dance team, and Spanish club.
In high school, you have the opportunity to join more activities like anime club, marching band, dance team, and Spanish club.
You have the opportunity to join more activities like anime club, marching band, dance team, and Spanish or German club in high school.
The people who graded the STAAR essay was retired from teaching.
The people who graded the STAAR essay were retired from teaching.
Recently, a new book in the series, a murder of crows, was released.
Recently, a new book in the series, A Murder of Crows, was released.
How can Natalie rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
Skywriting pilots targeted the crowds at fairgrounds, racetracks, and beaches with ads. They could stretch out across 15 miles and be seen up to 30 miles away.
Skywriting pilots targeted the crowds at fairgrounds, racetracks, and beaches with ads that could stretch out across 15 miles and be seen up to 30 miles away.
How can Laura rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
The following Monday she went to tutorials. She noticed that she worked better when it was quiet, and calm.
The following Monday, she went to tutorials, and she noticed that she worked better when it was quiet and calm.
The following Monday, she went to tutorials and noticed that she worked better when it was quiet and calm.
The following Monday, she went to tutorials; she noticed that she worked better when it was quiet and calm.
There was also the FFA, this group sponsored activities for students who wanted to be farmers or work on a ranch.
There was also the FFA, a group that sponsored activities for students who wanted to be farmers or work on a ranch.
It can lower and reduce appetites which means people eat less.
It can reduce appetites which means people eat less.
How can Thomas rewrite the following portion of his paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
Huge flames shot out of the burner. The flames heated the air inside the balloon
Huge flames shot out of the burner, heating the air inside the balloon.
Huge flames shot out of the burner and heated the air inside the balloon.
How can Neveah rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
Robyn was working, and studying. She did it all the time. She had little time for fun.
Robyn was working and studying all the time, so she had little time for fun.
History has shown that the athlete most famous for his trophies are the most worried about losing the game.
History has shown that the athlete most famous for his trophies is the most worried about losing the game.
After the Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the United States, people begin moving westward despite the risks involved.
After the Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the United States, people began moving westward despite the risks involved.
How can Emmet rewrite the following portion of his paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
We went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends. We had a test the next day in Social Studies.
We went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends although we had a test the next day in Social Studies.
Although we had a test the next day in Social Studies, we went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends.
We went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends even though we had a test the next day in Social Studies.
Even though we had a test the next day in Social Studies, we went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends.
We went to the track meet and stayed out late with all of our friends, but we had a test the next day in Social Studies.
How can Bella rewrite the following portion of her paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
The speaker, and her teammate, both forgot their notes. They had difficulty remembering what they were talking about. They got a bad grade.
Since/because the speaker and her teammate both forgot their notes, they had difficulty remembering what they were talking about and they got a bad grade.
The students who work hard and give their best effort on their work learns more than those who thought they are too smart to study.
The students who work hard and give their best effort on their work learn more than those who think they are too smart to study.
Then Brown listens carefully for the alarm it is set to go off when the bread is done rising.
Then Brown listens carefully for the alarm that is set to go off when the bread is done rising.
How can Lucca rewrite the following portion of his paragraph as one correct sentence? Remember, there may be multiple mistakes to fix when you combine these ideas!:
The rook is a type of corvid. It similar to crows. It is native to Europe.
The rook is a type of corvid that is similar to crows and native to Europe.