Noun Clauses with Questions
Noun Clauses with "That" or Infinitives
Passive Forms
Active-Passive Change
Other Passive

What's the noun clause?

Patricia wanted to know when her dad would give her a ride to school.

Noun Clause: ...WHEN her dad would give her a ride to school.

*All of this "" is the noun clause. The underlined part is to remind you that it is S+V after a question word that's in the middle of a sentence.


Add the word "that" to the sentence to mark the beginning of the noun clause:

Did I remind you we are going shopping after work?

Did I remind you THAT we are going shopping after work?


Active or Passive?

We were given two free tickets to the game.


We WERE GIVEN two free tickets to the game (BY SOMEONE). = Someone GAVE us two free tickets to the game.


The tourists liked Japan.

Japan WAS LIKED by the tourists.

*Japan is singular, so use WAS.

*the action is ALWAYS in the past participle form!


Complete the sentence with the correct participle form:

Jane enjoyed the romantic comedy movie. It had a (satisfy) conclusion.

Jane enjoyed the romantic comedy movie. It had a SATISFYING conclusion.


Change the question into a noun clause:

How much time do we have left?

I don't know...

I don't know how much time WE HAVE left.


Create a noun clause sentence using the following words: 

we / surprised / teacher / give / test / today

We ARE / WERE surprised that the teacher IS GIVING / GAVE (us) a test today.

*Using present or past tense is OK for the meaning of this sentence.


Choose the sentence with the same meaning as: JOEL SCRATCHED HIS DOG, BUTCH, BEHIND THE EARS.

(A)  Butch was scratched by Joel.

(B)  Butch scratched Joel.

(A) Butch was scratched by Joel.

Many people have visited Kiyomizudera.

Kiyomizudera HAS BEEN VISITED by many people.

*Kiyomizudera is singular, so use "HAS".

*perfect tenses ALWAYS use "BEEN" in the passive

*the action is ALWAYS in the past participle form!

Complete the sentence with the correct participle:

We were (shock) about the (injure) player who had to be taken to the hospital.

We were SHOCKED about the INJURED player who had to be taken to the hospital.


Change the question into a noun clause:

Will Liz go to Disney with us?

Liz isn't sure...

Liz isn't sure IF/WHETHER SHE WILL GO to Disney with us.


Combine into one sentence:

James is lying.  It is a shame.

IT is a shame THAT James is lying.


THAT James is lying is a shame.


Put the verb into the passive. Do NOT change the tense.


IS eaten

*"eats" is simple present, so BE (simple present) + EAT (past participle) = IS EATEN


Use passive modals to restate the sentence:

Put recycling bins out for pick up by 7:00 AM on collection day.

Recycling bins SHOULD BE PUT OUT for pick up by 7:00 AM on collection day.

*instead of "should", you could also say "MUST" or "HAVE TO" or "OUGHT TO"


Choose the correct completion:

Jim was being very (ANNOYED / ANNOYING), so Susan (get + irritate) and (SNAPPED / SNAPPING) at him. It's (SURPRISED / SURPRISING) that Jim seemed (CONFUSED / CONFUSING) when Susan (get + upset) with him.

Jim was being very ANNOYING, so Susan GOT IRRITATED and SNAPPED at him. It's SURPRISING that Jim seemed CONFUSED when Susan GOT UPSET with him.


Change the question into a noun clause:

Who left the door unlocked?

It's not clear...

It's not clear WHO LEFT the door unlocked.


Make a sentence with the same meaning by using an infinitive noun clause:

I wondered what I should do with my old clothes.

I wondered WHAT TO DO with my old clothes.


Put the verb into the passive. Do NOT change the tense.


IS/ARE BEING studied

*IS or ARE depends on whether the OBJECT of the active sentence is singular or plural.

*progressive tenses ALWAYS use "BEING" in the passive

*the action is ALWAYS in the past participle form!


Make a complete sentence using the given words:

Some people / not allow / to go back to their homes after the storm.

Some people are not allowed or were not allowed or have not been allowed or will not be allowed or are not going to be allowed to go back to their homes after the storm.


Complete each sentence with the non-progressive passive form of the verb and an appropriate preposition. Use the simple present tense.

I (worry) the next test. It's going to be really difficult.

I AM WORRIED ABOUT the next test. It's going to be really difficult.


Correct the error(s):

I wonder is it supposed to rain tomorrow.

I wonder IF IT IS supposed to rain tomorrow.

I wonder WHETHER IT IS supposed to rain tomorrow.

I wonder WHETHER OR NOT IT IS supposed to rain tomorrow.

I wonder IF/WHETHER IT IS supposed to rain tomorrow OR NOT.


Correct the error(s):

That Jordan was angry it was obvious.

That Jordan was angry WAS obvious.


IT was obvious THAT Jordan WAS angry.


Complete the sentence using the correct form of the words in parentheses:

The bus (SHOULD + DRIVE) _____ more slowly on the dangerous road.

The bus SHOULD BE DRIVEN or SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVEN more slowly on the dangerous road.

*Both the present (SHOULD BE DRIVEN) and the past (SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVEN) tenses can be correct in this sentence.

*most modal verbs ALWAYS use "BE" in the passive

*the action is ALWAYS in the past participle form!


According to the fire chief, a cigarette in the garbage might have started the fire.

According to the fire chief, the fire MIGHT HAVE BEEN STARTED by a cigarette in the garbage.


Complete each sentence with the non-progressive passive form of the verb and an appropriate preposition. Use the appropriate tense for the meaning.

Bill (marry) his wife since 1984.

Bill HAS BEEN MARRIED TO his wife since 1984.