Indefinite Pronouns + All/Some/None/Any
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous
Giving Advice
Present Perfect Continuous

This word means "all people" or "every person".

What is "everyone"?


Match the sentence to either Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous:

"He has been playing music for more than 40 years."

"He has played hundreds of concerts."

"He has been playing music for more than 40 years." (Present Perfect Continuous)

"He has played hundreds of concerts." (Present Perfect Simple)


Find the mistake:

"She had better to call her mother later."

"She had better call her mother later."

We do not use "to" after "had better".


True or False:

We form the Present Perfect Continuous with the rule "has/have + been + verb(-ing)".


We use Present Perfect Continuous to talk about an action we have already started, which may still be unfinished at the present time when we're talking about it.


Name the lead character of this movie:

Who is: "Harry Potter"

Complete the sentence:

"I don't know which of these books is Sarah's -- they all look the same! ___ of them could be hers."

What is:

"I don't know which book is Sarah's -- they all look the same! Any of them could be hers."


Change the verb in parentheses to make this sentence Present Perfect Simple:

"Sarah ___ _____ more than 200 poems over the last year." (write)

"Sarah has written more than 200 poems over the last year."


Put these modals of advice in order from weakest to strongest:

ought to

had better


What is:


Ought to

Had Better


Change the given verb into Present Perfect Continous.

"We _________ (go) to our house in the mountains since I was young."

What is:

"We have been going to our house in the mountains since I was young."


This portmanteau (two words together) refers to two blockbuster movies that came out last summer: one about a doll, and the other about the development of the atomic bomb.

What is Barbenheimer?


Match the words to their meaning:

every-                    zero

some-                      all

any-                any amount (unknown)

no-                        random

Every-    all

some-      any amount (unknown)

any-         random

no-         zero


Fill in the blank with the correct form of both Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous:

"I ____ ___ _____ football since I was five. I ____ _____ for three different teams."

"I have been playing football since I was five. I have played for three different teams."

The first sentence is Present Perfect Continuous (has/have + been + -ing). The second is Present Perfect Simple (has/have + past participle).


Give advice using "ought to" based on this scenario:

Lauren woke up late, and missed her bus! She was so late to school that she missed her first class. What should Lauren do in the future?

"Lauren ought to wake up earlier."

"Lauren ought to set an alarm."

"Laurent ought to avoid being late to school."



Complete the following sentence using Present Perfect Continuous and "for" or "since":

"I've _______ (wait) for her _____ 2:30! That's almost an hour!"

"I've been waiting for her since 2:30! That's almost an hour!"


Where is Liz from? (City, State, and Country)

She's from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


Finish the chart:
everything     _______    nothing     anything

everyone       someone      ______     anyone

everywhere   somewhere   nowhere   ______

What is: "something", "no one", and "anywhere"?


True or False:

We use Present Perfect Simple to talk about an action that is not finished.


We use Present Perfect Continuous to talk about unfinished or ongoing actions.

We use Present Perfect Simple to talk about the result of a finished action or the amount of something that has been completered.


Turn this into a question:

"I should call my friend later."

What is:

"Should I call my friend later?"


Turn this Present Perfect sentence into Present Perfect Continuous:

"She has lived in Liverpool all her life."

"She has been living in Liverpool for her whole life."

"She has been living in Liverpool since she was a child."


The 2024 Summer Olympics will be held in what European city this summer?

What is Paris:


Only one of these sentences is correct. Tell me 1.) which one is right and 2.) why the other is wrong.

"She hasn't got any plans tonight."


"She hasn't no plans tonight."

"She hasn't got any plans tonight." is correct because we only use the quantifier "any" with negative verbs.

The second sentence would be correct if it said "She has no plans tonight". We only use "no" or "none" with positive verbs


Form one sentence each using Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple based on this photo:

Possible answers:

"They have been taking guitar lessons together for years."

"He has taught/has been teaching his sister how to play guitar."

"They have been playing in a band since they were 12."

"They have written many songs together."


Form at least three (3) pieces of advice based on this photo using "should", "ought to", and "had better" :

What should you do before/during a job interview?

For example:

You should dress nice/professional.

You ought to arrive early.

You had better bring your resume/CV.


Find the sentence with the mistake and correct it:

"They must be tired -- they've been studying for two hours."

"We're new to the city, so we haven't been living here for very long."

"Are you sure he's free? He has been talking on the phone all morning."

"She has been work here for three months already, but she haven't been on time once."

What is:

"She has been working here for three months already, but she hasn't been on time once."


Name one play or work of William Shakespeare:

What is:


Romeo and Juliet


King Lear

The Tempest
